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Showing of body

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Hey I'm a guy and I honestly have to say I have a killer body. Six-pack and everything. But I am not sure whether or not to show it off around the girl I like. Would she just see it as showing off or would she just say it's real hot. She already kinda likes me and this would really help. Even if she sees its as showing off, isn't that the reason I got the abs. Also what about hair. I have some hair around my belly button and very very very little on the rest of my body. I'm wondering if this would matter. The hair is very little but I'm worried its going to grow into more. I want to shave it off but that would make it come back even more. I know most ladys would preffer a guy who is naturally hairless, but what about shaving. Do you girls think its weird (unmanly) is it a turn off or is it okay?

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hey buddy, good to hear you keep in shape Im pretty buffed to and i found keeping it hidden until you get physical really knocked em out, they dont really have any idea and then when you reveal the goods they are VERY happy I would say dont show it off and save it as a surprise for when you two get busy.


As for the hair... get used to it... theres more to come so just let it be


Good luck with ya woman.

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First of all, think about what this girl is like. Is she the kind of girl that would like that sort of thing? since you like her, i assume you know what she likes/dislikes... her personality etc... from that you can be the judge of whether it would be "showing off" or not. Most girls wouldnt complain about a guy showing off a killer body


As for the hair... personally, i dont like hair. on your head is fine... other than that... no thanks. My boyfriend uses "nair" ... and shaves the little bit thats left. It's not "unmanly" ... its just taking care of yourself, making yourself feel good about who you are. so for me, its a turn on. but i gues it will vary from girl to girl. but ultimately its up to you.


if you two are really comfortable with each other... ask her. if not, use your own judgement.


good luck!!



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just be you...strut your stuff if you want. I personally am not into the shaving of the body for the man BUT definitely the clean shaven man down below...ya know...always keep that nice, clean and fresh...Even no hair is great down there....But do what makes u happy...if she finds something wrong or comments in a negative way...then u dont need that! There will always be someone else who would love/like you just as you are!

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Hard to show it off without seeming like you are showing off. That would be a turn off to me.....


Leave for a surprise, she'll figure it out! When she hugs you you can flex a bit too...I love feeling my guys abs through his shirt and rest of his muscles! And I admit I do the same for him in return..lol. This is a turn ON as it is just for me, and more sly!


If you REALLY must though, try making a "date" at the pool, beach or gym to work out


As for hair - men have hair. It sounds like you are below normally hairy anyway, so don't worry about it. Some body hair is sexy and manly...just not sasquatch like, thank you!


Please DO shave or trim though at least do so around your package - much nicer to perform oral for the girl!.

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ewww... just no hot tubbing on a first or second date - kinda sleazy. Like another poster said, it's kinda hard to pretend like you're not showing off if you are, in fact, trying to show off. Like RayKay said, when you hug her, she'll feel the abs. Good luck with this girl!

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I don't mind hair on guys. Actually, chest hair kind of grosses me out if there's a lot of it, but I don't mind it anywhere else. We all prefer different things. Do what you feel comfortable with with your hair.


Personally, if I liked a guy, him showing his nice body off to me would not make me like him even more. So, even if you do show off your body, don't expect her to fall completely in love with you over it. Don't even expect it to change anything about how she feels.


If you want to make her like you more, try doing sweet things for her. Your body is not going to make her stay with you if you do get into a relationship with her, the way you treat her will. So work on showing her that you care about her and who you are as a person.

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Justy think , would you want your girl walking around in a mini skirt and in a low cut shirt , showing everything off. Don't know about you but I dont really find that too attractive , sure it gets your attention but I lose a little respect for a woman that has to show everything off like that . I also look at guys on the beach who walk up and down with there shirts off just to show off , they look so stupid. I workout everyday and am in good shape but I dress normal and my girlfriend( when I had one) would love to take my shirt off so she could rub my body.

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