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Why women like clothes... and men like women?


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I find it interesting: guys are more visually sensitive and might be more superficial: if they spot a cute girl.. thats a good enough reason to ask her out, date her and most important to have sex wih her.


It obviously doesnt work that way for women: yes, they spot a handsome guy, but it is not a good reason to date him, or moreover have sex with him.


What I found even more interesting is that guys pay almost no attention to girl's clothes, most guys simply dont care what she wears .. they would rather prefer her to not to wear anythign at all...

And at the same time women do care a lot what a guy wear, and basically even start "evaluating" a guy by his clothes.


And we know: women really care about his personality and earning power, not his clothes.. and men do like her pretty face\body but seems quite indifferent about what she wears.


Any idea why?

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Youre wrong.


Women want sex/think about sex as much as guys do. Trust me.


They value looks alot. Clothes simply help tell them more about the person.


And since when is it that personality matters more to women then looks?


I am not saying women do not value looks. They do.


What I am trying to understand why women want a guy with style (clothes!) but guys seem indifferent to girls' clothes?

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Hm. I agreee some hollywood hotties often look very average to me.


Maybe it is just me: I dont really care if she has makeup or not, if she has a style in her clothes or she doesnt.


So basically - you do look at girls's clothes and they are (her style actually an important for factor in attraction?

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Well, obviously a good makeup\style is better than bad ones.



What I am saynig that guys seem do not take into account bad girl's style.

It is fine for them.

But girls do look for a good men's style... and they consider it as a very important thing in dating.

Why is that? Men are visula creatures, right, and women seem are not very much.....

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Sure attraction is a strange thing, we cant predict it.

And yes, I was talking just in general: girl seem want a guy with a great sense of style. They look at a guy, and if he dressed is not cool, well... they will not go on a date with him or give him a number.


For guys, it doesnt work: if a girl is pretty but in same rags, it doesnt matter: guys do not consider clothes as something really important. But at the same time guys are visual creature...and women seem go for guys personality and earning power.

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Since you say girls care more about earning power and personality...maybe she thinks the clothes reflect his earning power ?


We look for different things in the other without even realizing why. I want to say that this might go back to species survival. Women want a man who appears capable of providing for a family--men look for a woman who will bear healthy children. So he is attracted more to her looks than if she wears nice clothes.

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Compatibilty is very important: Emotional\physical attraction. And of course she should be a nice person: loyal not not a flake...



I have a a guess: maybe Clothes represent something for women?

Maybe women see clothes\style as....social status or earning power?

How true is it?

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Most girls are superficial. They love their clothes because their all about status. It's pretty hard for me to not come accross a superficial chick since there just about everywhere. They love it because their all into what other people think of them. And of course they want to attract guys with it but that's more of there secondary purpose of clothing I think.


So to sum it up, clothes for women are all about who looks the best, and like you said al7 social status and power.

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Since you say girls care more about earning power and personality...maybe she thinks the clothes reflect his earning power ?


I dont know I cannot think like women do, it is totally different...

Oh! " clothes reflect his earning power ?"

Just want to make sure: is it what you believe is true?

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Most girls are superficial.


1. They love their clothes because their all about status. It's pretty hard for me to not come accross a superficial chick since there just about everywhere.


2. They love it because their all into what other people think of them.


3. And of course they want to attract guys with it but that's more of there secondary purpose of clothing I think.



1. About status hmm.. lets see:

You said:

"They love their clothes because their all about status"


Do woman clothes somehow define woman's status among other women?




Do men clothes somehow define men's status among other men?



2. I feel that is true. But see.. what do men's clothes have to do with what other people think? Ok, look, she want a handsome guys... and people would think how cool she is to get such a guy.

But if he is just good at clothes.. people in general would not think she's got a good guy. Just a guy with a good sense of style. It is not somehting

really good. It is good when he is rich or handsome..but his style is somewhat irrelevant, right?


3. Some women may think so and say so. But we guys know that we do not really want\need women to dress fashionable..actually we'd rather want them to undress completely

So women style is not an attraction for men. at least it is not something as important as men's style for women.

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Since you say girls care more about earning power and personality...maybe she thinks the clothes reflect his earning power ?


We look for different things in the other without even realizing why. I want to say that this might go back to species survival. Women want a man who appears capable of providing for a family--men look for a woman who will bear healthy children. So he is attracted more to her looks than if she wears nice clothes.


I certainly agree with survival theory. instinctively woman may look for some "though" looking guys who got toughen while hunting.

Tough guys means that he surviived after lots of bad things. and is capable to survive more.

Now what about his clothes? In fact, if we think in terms of survival theory... hmm... he should possess some tough clothes too.

Tough means..hmm.. thick? Leather? Reliable? like hunters clothes maybe?


But how about more nice\casual clothes? a suit doens reflect his earning power anymore...am I right?

And how about more simple style: like black pieces of clothes: simple jeans\shirts...no tie... they seem have no connection with earning power...do they look tough?

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That makes sense to me: women are competitive. Agree.

They compete with each other in term of style\clothes. Right.

And...how about men? Why would men's clothes became that importnat for women? They compete for the best looking guy - yes, for best tough looking guy - yes, maybe. for the best money maker - sure. Why would they compete for the best style guy??

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It's a holdover from old fashioned gender sterotypes. Women were expected to care for the houshold and family. Clothing came with that. As girls are brought up there is more of an emphasise placed on clothes and fashioned. The fashion industry is geared towards attracting women buyers. Women tend to have more choices when it comes to clothes. It's the stereotype that girls love to shop. All of these things put together make it pretty clear that girls would have more of an eye for clothing.


But this whole topic is superficial and pointless. In the end clothes don't matter, the person matters. Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes.

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LOL. Yeah,...girls can be all into themselves sometimes, like over doing the make-up so they look like w***es. I think #1 It's a status thing. #2. It shows how desperate they are for a guy. I know some girls that like never get any dates that are good looking and they'll go from little clothes to like wearing enough to make sure your not cold in Alaska lol. Maybe it's an insecurity thing and they hate how they look so they'll go buy some clothes, dye their hair hoping they'll look better.

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1. It's a holdover from old fashioned gender sterotypes. Women were expected to care for the houshold and family. Clothing came with that. As girls are brought up there is more of an emphasise placed on clothes and fashioned.



2. The fashion industry is geared towards attracting women buyers. Women tend to have more choices when it comes to clothes.


3. It's the stereotype that girls love to shop. All of these things put together make it pretty clear that girls would have more of an eye for clothing.

But this whole topic is superficial and pointless. In the end clothes don't matter, the person matters. Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes.



1. Agree with the emphasis. Girl tend to pay more attention to clothes.

But, for example guys tend to pay more attention to martial arts. So? They do not expect a girl to be a good fighter!

You see my point? Men care about men's things and do not expect women to be good at them. But from what you said women care about women things AND WANT MEN to be good at them.

Do you think it is a bit strange, dont you?


If being a good fighter was important in evolution men might expect all his family should be trained for fights. In fact we dont see that in men at all. But women do care about everyone's styles...


2. Hmm.. porn industry is geared toward men. They can aim women too at the same level, but without some real demands from women still porn is 99.9% for men. Same with clothes: yes, industry targets women a lot. But that only cuz they are WILLING to buy tons of them, and not only they care about their clothes but also about men's...

..Why, I still dont know.


3. I am not saying it is super important to dress. It is important to get a date, and to get a date is important for me. So I am just curious about teh topic

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I think #1 It's a status thing.


#2. It shows how desperate they are for a guy.


I know some girls that like never get any dates that are good looking and they'll go from little clothes to like wearing enough to make sure your not cold in Alaska lol. Maybe it's an insecurity thing and they hate how they look so they'll go buy some clothes, dye their hair hoping they'll look better.


#1 status among whom? Look: Women clothes is for women status among women. ok, I can assume that.

But what does guy's clothes have t do with her status??


#2 We guys know, women's clothe IS NOT an attraction factore for men.

So seem women are a bit disoriented if they want to attract a guy with their clothes ???

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I agree shysoul, but it makes for good arguments - Those steriotypes you mentioned are and will be forever engrained somewhat, in everyones head. I hate, when girls sometimes use the old steriotypes to there advantage and do the opposite. Thinking because, I'm so pretty and we know you guys like pretty girls you will have to dress this way to have me, and you will bow to me cause I'm so georgeous. A guys know he has to treat her with respect, and that's it. What else can be expected when you think about it.


I am not so sure about those clothes stereotypes, they do not match men indifference to clothes or martial art for example.

It is importnt for a guy to be able to fight (from a evolutionary stereotypes persepective) but no guy expects a women to be able to fight. At all.

Women do expect men to dress well. It seems strange...

in terms of survival being strong or at least be able to fight is way more important than being able to dress with a style.

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the porn industry for one, makes women look really, like toys, and lesbian, if you were getting somewhere with that?


Hm.. what's your point here? Yes, the industry sometimes does that.. so?

I dont think most porn is about women as toys or lesbians. It is about something else, more related to their sex.

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Sure it is all stereotypes. Although it would be too much of simplification just to call "it all" a stereotype and forget about it.


I think all stereotypes had some origins: for example: tough guy is good for family survavial. Sure he was good 200-300 years ago, not anymore... butthe stereotype persists.

Clothes stereitype is not that obvious... I cant link it survival..or to earning power...or to women competitiveness yet.

It is some interesting which I dont understand yet.

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Youre wrong.


Women want sex/think about sex as much as guys do. Trust me.


They value looks alot. Clothes simply help tell them more about the person.


And since when is it that personality matters more to women then looks?


I am not saying women do not value looks. They do.


What I am trying to understand why women want a guy with style (clothes!) but guys seem indifferent to girls' clothes?


Interesting topic. So, I would counter with - men are NOT indifferent to girls' clothing. If I walk down the street to the gym with sweatpants, no makeup, hair in ponytail, not many heads turn. But, when I walk out with a short skirt, cute heels, makeup and gorgeous blowdried hair, people will stare. But, I'm the exact same person!


But as for mens' clothing - I think it's more about the "style." Is he a skater boy? Nerd? Preppie? Cowboy? Athelete? Or does he have fashion sense that is 20 years out of date? By the clothes a person wears, they are showing the world who they are. Are they laid back (jeans and a shirt), or are they trendsetters?


Haven't you ever seen those make-over shows where an ok-looking man or woman undergoes a makeover - new hair, new clothes, new shoes, and a few hours later, they look like they could be on the cover of a magazine! I think a man who puts on a suit automatically looks more attractive.


You know what they say, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression." So, what impression do you want to make on people?

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"if they spot a cute girl.. thats a good enough reason to ask her out, date her and most important to have sex wih her."

---Most guys I know would not date a girl (or have sex) with her just because she is cute. They would want to know more about her and if they would have a compatible relationship together. Looks aren't everything. After all, there are blind people who have strong sexual passions, and what can they see?


It obviously doesnt work that way for women: yes, they spot a handsome guy, but it is not a good reason to date him, or moreover have sex with him.

-----You are not a girl, so you don't know what girls think. Please don't speak for girls. Let the girls in this forum share their views, rather than you trying to speak for them. Thank you!!!!!!


What I found even more interesting is that guys pay almost no attention to girl's clothes, most guys simply dont care what she wears .. they would rather prefer her to not to wear anythign at all...

-----What a girl wears is very important!!!!! Even girls are not very attractive can appear extremely attractive if they wear something that fits with thier body and who they are. There are tons of times when a don't notice a girl, until she comes in wearing something attractive. Clothes do matter. Also, the world wouldn't work well if we all went around naked.



And we know: women really care about his personality and earning power, not his clothes.. and men do like her pretty face\body but seems quite indifferent about what she wears.

------I care about what a girl wears. Any girl can look beautiful if she wears the right clothes. After all, I look much more attractive in certain clothes...without them I would not get any attention from girls...hehehehe...some people (like me) have to put on thier looks!!!

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