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Hi. Im not altogrther sure if this is in the right forum, since the new year year ive been in my local accident and emergancy 4 times, two of which ive needed to stay in hospital.. i just feel so so silly as even my friends are starting to find it hilarious, along with my college mates and family. Wheras i feel so useless and clumsy. At the moment im in agony as i got a tetnus injection last night, and its still hurting..

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Hi. Im not altogrther sure if this is in the right forum, since the new year year ive been in my local accident and emergancy 4 times, two of which ive needed to stay in hospital.. i just feel so so silly as even my friends are starting to find it hilarious, along with my college mates and family. Wheras i feel so useless and clumsy. At the moment im in agony as i got a tetnus injection last night, and its still hurting..


Ooh tetanus shots, yeah they feel like you have been punched in the arm a few times afterwards, don't they? I just got a booster one recently so know how that feels!


What kind of things are happening to you? I can be clumsy too....I once hurt myself closing a shampoo bottle...and the following week trying to demonstrate HOW I managed that to my boyfriend at the time, I did it AGAIN! I also mountain bike a lot so tend to injure myself many many times...lol.


I would not worry about it, as long as you are not intentionally doing anything dumb, or being too absentminded (ie walking accross street and not looking!). Sometimes when we have a lot on our mind we don't pay as close attention to things we are doing, so make mistakes.


Just try and concentrate on what you are doing when you are doing it more

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Personally I find it quite funny. As for being accident prone, welcome to my world. I spent a month in hospital last Xmas (not the one just been, one before) and had many visits to hospital for bike accidents, etx throughout the year. It happens and while initially I felt like an idiot about it, now I just laugh at it, it doesnt bother me any more.


To give you an idea, last year I put 20 stitches in my knee, 10 in my arm, 2 in my head, 2 in my hand, several concussions, sliced my foot on some glass, broke my thumb twice....and thats just off the top of my head.

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I think we all have done some pretty crazy things in our lives. i broke my arm in two places and had to get surgery and metal implanted into it ebcause i fell off a jungle gym when i was 13...that was stupid... everytime ppl from skool ehar the story theyre like 'oh ur THAT guy!" ..

its funny. but the thing to realise is, we all do clumsy things, and the best thing to do is just to laff it off. if the world laffs at u laff bak at it harder. corny soundin i knw, but trust me i get made fun of a lot cuz of my 1st name (no im not tellin but i live through it with a few laffs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

some of my accidents would be falling down stairs, walking on glass, spraining my ankles/wrist, moterbike accident with an ex boyfriend, car accident with my brother, stepped out in front of my uncles car once to see if hed stop, falling thriugh a glass door, cutting my wrist on glass, bounced of a trampoline a few years back, lost count how many bones ive broken,acidental overdoseage needed my stomach pumped on 18th birthday.. and falling of the monkeybars at p.e in my last year of school.

im an accident waiting to happen.

sorry to person i offended with signature, shall change it when i find something better

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