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16 with 21 year old


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Why would my ex who's 16 start dating a 21 year old? Apparently she has a great personality and she's good at badminton and she's funny. And he thinks he'll be finally happy. But then he said he broke up with me because I distract him from badminton (but doesn't that girl as well), I wasn't making him happy for the past month. And now he says he doesn't know how to feel about me. He's confused. Yet he starts this relationship with this 21 year old who asked him out and they started kissing and they're gonna have sex. My question is how can I make him want me back. And how long do you predict a relationship with a 21 year old who's never been in a relationship, but has a great personality will last? I'm just curious hearing your reasons and why.

Ps. His brother was apparently kinda dating this girl, but then this girl asked him out AS SOON AS WE BROKE UP.

And. That girl has done stuff with other guys but never had a bf.

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