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Well...last night I had told my ex-boyfriend to leave me alone and to not call me ever again. I had left it on his voicemail b/c after speaking to him earlier we were supposed to see one another b/c I wanted to tell him face to face to never call me again. He has driven me crazy. One minute he's cursing me out and saying that he prays that I leave him alone the next minute he's calling me like nothing. Im getting sick over all of these games. So, though it hurts like hell i have told him to move on b/c obviously he has in every way. Why is he doing these things to me and did I do the right thing. Im sooo sad b/c I really didnt want to tell him that but if I didnt I would be hurting myself even more.

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It sounds like you did the right thing. You stood up for you and set your boundaries. Good for you. That isn't always easy to do, and the feeling you experienced could be the discomfort from doing this. The cursing out part by him is intlerable, sure emotions are high but it isnt necessary.


I can understand your sadness, and i feel for you. But it sounds like you did good. Be well.

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Well esboogie, I know that was hard to do. I want so bad to tell my EX the same thing, but I do love her so much, I cant right now. It sounds like your EX has some serious anger issues to work out. I hope you are going to be ok, cause I know it is hard. But be strong, and be aware, chances are he will contact you again, so best be prepared. Good luck to you!!!

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It's kind of odd for you to post this because yesterday I told my ex-boyfriend that we can no longer talk as well.


Like your ex, he was into the whole game-playing thing. And I most definetly am not. One minute he'd say, "It's okay, baby, give it time and I'll be ready." Which I said no to because I am not the type to wait around for something I don't think I even want. Then the next minute he'd say, "B*****, we're never getting back together." Ok, whatever. I don't allow guys to call me such derogatory names to begin with. I just don't want to deal with it and I've fully realized that talking to him does not help me to move on. And that is definetly what I'm doing!


You did the right thing, I love to see people sticking up for themselves, especially because I never used to do so and now that I have, I know how awesome it is!

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