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How do I make a quick $10?


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I have nothing to sell. So that's not an option. I've been trying to offer services I can do for anyone and no one does apparently. I've been doing survey sites like crazy and I keep disqualifying for surveys! I've been on here before about how to make money. I cant work right now cause I can't find a sitter I can trust. Can anyone please help? No, blogging or affiliate marketing(or anything related) will not get me the money I need really fast. Someone please, please help!? Any direction, suggestion, anything would be great. Thanks in advance

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What do you need only 10 for? A loaf of cheap bread, peanut butter, and jelly? Gas? You can always stand on a street corner holding a sign i guess. I sometimes give a few dollars to those people. Do you have any gently used kids clothes or toys at all? You could try selling them on an online kids/babies stuff facebook exchange.

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It's not just 10 dollars. As you say in your original post, it's a way to work while home with child. How about dog walking and pet sitting? Can take your baby with you and also begin to build a network with your clients to help in the long term.


I feel you need more or different friends, yes? Work on being responsible to yourself and on being the sort of friend you want for yourself. This will help you slowly, so that next you're in a jam, they can help.

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