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is oral sex really ALL that bad?

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It's her choice... if she doesn't like it, then you'll just have to live with it.

Try talking to her about it - ask her, honestly, why she doesn't like to do it.

Tell her your feelings....

Oral sex isn't the be all and end all of a relationship!


I been with a girl for over year and a half now. When it comes to sex... surely its great! But i want more. I cant get her to do oral for nothing. She says its to big, or its nasty. Some excuse. How is there ways to get a girl to enjoy giving oral sex?
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Instead of asking her about oral sex what you need to do is discuss the issue and find out why she thinks its nasty or why its too big. Its important to look at her sexual history to see why she has these thoughts about oral sex. This approach is better than asking for it cuz otherwise she is gonna feel pressured and somepeople dont respond well to that. A good method to use is to talk about fantasies, but you need her to be comfortable enough to be completely honest with you, then you ask her if there are any activities that she hasnt done or that she would like to try with you. This approach comes off better because you are indirectly asking for it but it doesnt seem obvious. My experience has been that most females who have limited or no involvment in giving oral sex tend to be curious about it. What you are doing is using this curiosity to further your goal.

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No its not at all bad, I LOVE giving my man oral sex, I love his reaction, and well, I love getting to be close to him...he's sexy and I love being intimate with him and pleasuring him. And he's big...so not getting that "too big" thing since you don't need to swallow the darn thing! As for nasty...well, assuming you keep up with good hygiene, that might be more of a mental block on her side than anything else.


If you are having sex, I think you ought to be able to also communicate openly about sex with your partner. So talk to her. Ask her what her feelings are about it and why she has that trepidation. See if you do it in the shower it would make a difference. Cover yourself in whipped cream and get her to lick, seeing you enjoying it might get her started.


Do you give HER oral? How does she feel about that if you do, or don't? It's only fair that you can reciprocate if you ask for it.


Either she has some mental blocks to it, or does not want to do it. Sometimes when we are not "into" out partner, oral is not something we care to do as much as we become more selfish. Maybe she was brought up thinking sex is dirty, etc. So you REALLY need to have an open talk about it.

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Hm, I think there surely are girls who really, really dislike giving oral sex to a man. Have you tried to like 'clean' up the area a bit for her sake? I really enjoy giving head , however, It needs to been clean and there need not to be to many hairs around It.


When being very careful you could try to shave/trim the area a bit.


You can also have a lot of fun experimenting with whipped cream or liquid chocolate.


I can not believe that I am writing this.


Please never hold it against me, will you guys!



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I've dated quite a few women who said they wanted to give me a blowjob, but only two who could ever carry it to its conclusion. Why? Because those were the only two who seemed to want it, and were not just doing it to "make me feel good." If she really does not enjoy it, you are not either, IMO.


If you want it, try to make her want it too. If it is not so important, enjoy what you have.

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as a previous poster said, if she does do it because she's pressured and just wants to make you shut up or be happy then you will not enjoy it. So DONT force her, if she doens't want to do it then don't keep on and on about it some girls enjoy it and some don't I personally don't really care to go down on a guy so if my bf pushes the issue he doesn't get ANYTHING!

Just back off of her for awhile and maybe eventually she'll feel comfortable enough to atleast try it.




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