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How can you tell your ex gf wants to hang out with you again?


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I was texting with my ex the other day and she asked me if I saw this movie yet. I said no and she mentioned how she wants to see it before it leaves theatres this week.


Was she expecting me to ask her to go see it with me? I feel like she was implying she wants to see me since its been 3 months since we've last seen each other.

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Yes I think I will mention how I heard the movie was so good and see how she responds to it. Maybe even say I will probably see it this week myself. Maybe imply with someone else.


Don't go there. Do not bring another woman into the equation. Just state that you're interested in seeing it, but don't want to see it alone. Then see how she reacts.

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I'm just curious. I don't know how I would feel to be honest. But it did seem like she wanted me to offer to go with her.


I'll say 'probably'. But it might just have been as friends. If you want to see the movie with a friend ask her to go. Specify it is just as friends. Or, if you're still interested ask her to go on a movie date.

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