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Ok people, I need some advice. Here is the situation, I'm 21 and I have NEVER had a girlfriend or even been on a date in my life. This is due to two reasons. First, despite living on a college campus I seem to be incapable of meeting women, at least in a good social setting. I meet girls all the time in classes but am completely unable to take it any further, advice on this issue would be MOST helpful. Second ALL of the women I meet turn out to be the exact oposite of my views in life. As Americans become more and more polerized I find myself an outcast from society...... *sigh* It is getting to the point where I don't even like to leave my dorm anymore....... anyway, any thoughts on the prospect of actually finding someone who doesn't become enraged or frightened every time I voice my opinion? I guese what I'm asking is, how do I find people like me?


(note: I don't specify what my views are because you'd just start hating me.)


(note 2: liquid anesthetic (margaritas) will dull the pain..... )

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Stop thinking that you'll never get a girlfriend and start searchin', man...


I also think that I won't get a girl, but that's the main reason why I don't have one, If I see a girl I already tell to me: "Man, she's too beautiful to get around with a guy like me..." WRONG, just look them deep in the eyes, the more you do it, the more opened you'll get in a short while, and the more interest they'll show to you...


Go man, margaritas will just make you unattractive and may kill you in a few years, my mum's nurse in a hospital, she could tell you stories about guys & alcohol...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why would we h8 u bcuz of your veiws... well lol i no but they cant b that bad..... just tell us and maybe we can help more...... im not very old (14) so you would probably say **** my advice n e ways but youll find the one sum day~!

Have Fun Searching,



( oh ya not 2 b mean but your in college and youve never had a girlfriend? or been on a date?? ......... lol w/e i donnt want u 2 toetally h8 me so ooo im not going 2 go on n e further..........)

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Hey JazzMan,


Look, I start to feel stupid posting the same thing over and over again, and not even getting a response in many of the cases, because people don't even put the time to read. They ask for help but they want some magical instant solution. They're too lazy to put the effort...


I'll elaborate.


I feel a lot of empathy for people in your situation, well - guess why?... Yeah. I've been there too, and nor am I that far away now, but let's say there is a visible progression


There is a solution. But heck, as any other good thing you've gotta invest in it. It doesn't cost you any money or something like that. It's time, effort and endless motivation.


And you know what? I won't place any links this time. I want to hear first whether you have that motivation to put effort in order to improve your life.


If you don't - it's your problem.


If you do - PM me, or simply read some stuff in my previous posts.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey! take a looonngggg deep breath and calm down just for a second. Im sure that out there somewhere there are people who share your views and if people dont like you because of your opinions are they worth it anyway?? Keep on being honest and sharing your opinions what ever they may be and I hope you find someone soon. The best way to meet people is buy having fun. Join a club that involves something you enjoy thats probably a good stepping stone for finding people who are similar to you.

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You need to just relax a bit!!! Besides, if you're just talking to a girl or going to coffee a couple of times she doesn't need (or likely care) what your 'views' are. Just go have some fun!!! And remember, there's usually about a 30% conversation with women, so that means you need to approach 8 to 10 women to be successful!!!!!




Good luck!!!!

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I use to be live u.

Having problems with trying to comunicate with the opsite sex and to try and get a g/f.


I find that I have no problems at work when it comes to flurting with the lasses at work.


But I do find it hard to ask them out.


The best advise I can give is to flurt with them get to know them better try and find common intrest ask them out... eg... I'm of to so and so, do u fancy coming along, it would be nice to have some company etc..

This is just a little reglar flut, but in away u've asked them out.

Even thought ur not going out b/f g/f u got half way there, at this stage u can get to know that persion a little bit better and start to fell more conftalbe and maybe when u fell the time is right, u can tell her how u fell and u never know what happens.


The worst that could happen is ohh ur so sweet but I'm seeing some one or I'm not intrested but ur got friend etc...


But this way u get to improve ur skills and confdents in talking to the opsite sex.


Dark Angel

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok people, I need some advice. Here is the situation, I'm 21 and I have NEVER had a girlfriend or even been on a date in my life.


I had my first girlfriend at 23 so don't worry, or rather, direct your worry into positive action.


This is due to two reasons. First, despite living on a college campus I seem to be incapable of meeting women, at least in a good social setting. I meet girls all the time in classes but am completely unable to take it any further, advice on this issue would be MOST helpful.


Similar to how my situation was. I had no confidence with women. I saw them as some mystical beings rather than ordinary people. I could not even utter a word to a girl without blushing up until about when I was 22.


Then I just took the plunge and started working at it.


Second ALL of the women I meet turn out to be the exact oposite of my views in life. As Americans become more and more polerized I find myself an outcast from society...... *sigh* It is getting to the point where I don't even like to leave my dorm anymore....... anyway, any thoughts on the prospect of actually finding someone who doesn't become enraged or frightened every time I voice my opinion? I guese what I'm asking is, how do I find people like me?


(note: I don't specify what my views are because you'd just start hating me.)


No, we won't hate you and it might help us to understand where you are coming from!


If you want to PM me feel free.

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  • 4 weeks later...

you should let go of any holds you have about relationships and just put yourself out there. if you are affraid of rejection, get over it, it happens to everyone. And about your views, you can't be looking for a women and have a picture perfect image of who you want them to be. It doesn't work like that, you can't demand so much from someone and expect results. I think over all you sound like you need to loosen up a little and just take it step by step. and remember nothing is perfect unless you aren't expecting perfection.

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