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What was the last thing you laughed at? Part 2


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I agree! Reminds me of the first time I made popcorn on the stove on my own (as a kid, back in the day before popcorn poppers and microwaves). I followed the package, it said use a "saucepan". I knew mom made spaghetti sauce in the cast iron fry pan, she'd brown the hamburger, then add everything else to simmer to make the best sauce. It seemed odd to use a pan, it wasn't very tall, but was wide, and I used it. While waiting for the popcorn to pop the oil caught on fire! With a WHOOSH, tall flames reached almost to the cabinets. I screamed, shut off the burner and clapped the lid back on to put out the fire. Lesson learned: don't use a pan, use a pot!


sorry I lol'ed...! - hope there wasn't too much damage!



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sorry I lol'ed...! - hope there wasn't too much damage!




No damage, thank goodness. Now I am remembering other Learning to Cook scenarios by other members of my family. Salt mixed up with sugar. Spilling vanilla extract on the hot stove burner. Oh, there are so many opportunities for learning from mistakes! Have fun!

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My parents and my sister took my nephew up to Akron this past weekend for a Polar Express train ride experience.


My dad said that part of town was done up in Christmas decorations and they pointed out a Winking Lizard and said that was Santa's favorite restaurant. As he told about it, Dad, said, "You know, it said like beer and liquor on the sign and all that. I just let that go. Then, when Santa came, we were in the back and James was the first kid Santa saw, and he gave him the bell like in the movie. You should have seen (James') face. I thought he was gonna pee himself."

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