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don't give up. keep trying to quit. it's hard to stop completely right at first, so don't be so hard on yourself that you slipped up. you're making wonderful progress and i'm so proud of you! i definitely think yous hould continue to try and quit. just remember to get rid of everything that could cut. get rid of anything in your life and stay from all kinda of triggers. get people to help you with this. you can do this! check out this site, it helps..take care, we're here for you

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thanks evreyone. CrystalDawn i can't really draw but i'll try and i have tryed writing. i try to talk to my friends but i'm not sure if i should answer their questions.Sup2 i don't think i really have a past i'm only 16 and i'm not sure if it would be a bad one. thanks for the suport thisisnotanexit. And Opheliaccs it doesn't really sound dumb at this point i would try anything. thanks for your posts guys a please keep them coming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey girl,


I hope you are ok. I was thinking of ways to avoid cutting. My friend has the same problem, and she has somehow managed to learn herself to take a run as long as she needs to get rid of the urge to cut.


She has not cut for a long while, as far as I know.


I know it's very hard to stop cutting. And stopping is even harder when you don't know why you are doing it. You say you have no past because you are 16? I got anorexic when I was 15, and discovered only after a pretty long time of therapy that you CAN have a past. It doesn't mean that people who cut do so for the same reasons. It also doesn't mean that everyone who cuts does this because they were hurt in the past by someone else. Depression and anxieties can be rooted in yourself and be 'triggered' by things that you don't even know.


Keep writing here, girl. There are people reading here every day, and we won't get tired of trying to help you.


take care,



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  • 2 months later...

Haha. I like the chocolate bars. I hope that's not offensive for me to put haha I just found it really.. amusing in a good way. I'm sure the chocolate puts some endorphins into the system too.


I'm going to try to not go off on a rant here.

I think that alot of the problem that people face is not being able to open up and not being able to deal with admitting that they're cutting. So, kudos to you for being able to admit it. It's a big step to do that alone. But, there's so much shame and negativitiy attached to self-injury, that it becomes even more shameful to be doing it. I don't mean negativity in that it's harmful to you and those you care about because that's obvious, but people twist it around so that it becomes something completely morbid. If your friends are willing to listen and are wanting to ask questions that's a good sign. It probably means that they'll be able to deal with whatever you can tell them, so to stick to what I think you orginally posted.. tell them what YOU feel comfortable with telling them. If they don't cut, they probably need to hear things in doses or they might get scared/not understand.


If you have people who are willing to listen to what you have to say though, and are caring and responsive to you, then give them a chance, but feel comfortable with what are saying.


Kudos again,


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thanks. and i'm becoming more open to talking about it. My parents found out. i see a councler and i'm on meds. More people keep finding out everyday which is ok i guess. Because i was more afraid of my family knowing. Don't get me wrong i still bad and i still think it was stupid. But i'm trying to change. aND ITS NOT LIKE I GO AROUND SCHOOL with no sweatshirt on. i still care what people think,But thats their opinion not mine

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