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3 dates. Does he like me?


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I've had 3 dates in 3 weeks with a guy i met at a friends house. He doesn't drink so all sober dates first for me!


Second date we sat side by side and he had open body language and I caught him looking at me a couple times. He also touched my hand very briefly as part of the conversation. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him so may have cone accross guarded and reserved! At end of date we hovered talking nervously then I left without a hug or anything. I asked him out again via message couple days later as was worried he'd think I didn't like him


Had third date today. Coffee for a few hours. Lots of good conversation again but nothing personal more movies etc. Decided I do like him romantically, looked into his eyes alot but no touching or obvious flirting (I'm quite reserved and shy!) at end of date I went in for a hug and he hugged back tilting his head away from me (sign he didn't want to kiss??) but also said he'd like to see me again next week. Have I maybe blown it by being cold on second date? I really like him but don't know how to express this. My previous relationship was with a jerk and think I'm overly cautious cos of this.

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You're going to have to take the lead when it comes to the next physical advance. No, not everyone kisses that soon, but I'd say for the vast majority of us, a peck at the end of the second date is a goal. Couple that with your admitted outward reservations and I doubt this guy's looking to be too bold about anything.


I might be thinking too much into it, but I also don't think I've ever had a first kiss that was led into by a hug. I'm not sure how you're hugging where you'd even notice where his head is leaning but it sounds awkward to me.


How much dating experience do you have?

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We attract people that we are!


You said you are shy? So is he!


Keep going, this all sounds good, no need to rush things. Get to know each other well and invest time!


At this point, I would allow HIM to ask you out next time, you did it last time. If he doesn't, maybe try one more time but NOT 3rd. Allow him to prove to you with ACTION that he is interested as well!


Good luck

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