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My ex that I was with for a year and a half broke up with me 2 1/2 weeks ago because she thought that we were just weren't lining up right now. The night we talked about it I was understanding but the next couple of days I tried to get her to just try and work things out but she didn't want to do it.


She never really stopped contacting me even though she would get mad sometimes at my attempts to keep us together. She would text me whenever something interesting just happened to her and other stuff like that.


I recently wrote her a letter that I came to terms that it was out of my control of we were meant to be together, and only God could determine that. I also told her that I was thankful for the impact she had on my life and that I was thankful that she ended things because it made me realize I need to work on a few areas I could be better in and I wouldn't have realized it without that. I ended it with saying that I cannot wait around forever for her because that wouldn't be fair to me, and basically let her know I was preparing to move on.


Since then she called me once and seemed like she tried to carry on the convo as long as possible. After that she quickly texted me and told me she shouldn't have called me but she just needed help with finding something. Also she has found these lame excuses to text me. I have never initiated contact since then, she's always the one to contact me. I don't ever respond back right away and have even debating ignoring her sometimes. When I do text back I don't show any emotion in them. I just kind of act neutral.


Is this a good sign? I'd like to get back with her at some point but I don't want to jump the gun. I feel like I have more control over the situation than before.

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Hotline, sounds like you went through what I'm going through right now (check my post). All I can say is you are right. Regain control, heal yourself, improve yourself. Let the idea that she needs you feed your ambition and confidence. Dont feed her back, but at the same time don't push her away, you don't want to burn any bridges. I say take it day by day, if things don't progress, ask her out to talk face to face. Tell her, Look, I'm all for communicating and working out our issues, but at this point and time I would rather not be friends if that's what you have in mind. Again, this is what you do if things become really stale and you don't seem to move forward. For now just play her at her own game.

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Words are meaningless man, dont play games with yourself. If she wants you back youll know the deal, she will make a move for you and it will be obvious. After I talked with my ex that first time and she asked if I wanted to do something later that night, I knew right then and there it was a green light. If she would of said the next day, or later that week, or sometime in general, I would of said nope ill be busy because thats what I call bargain shopping on her end.


Think of it this way, supply and demand. If your always talking to her, your basically stocking the shelves for her. She can go bargain shopping and look for the best deals because its convenient to her. Oh hey, I feel bored I think ill use my coupon for hotlinebling today to feed my ego its only a buck, no big investment.


You have be the next hottest thing. You have to be sold out. Shes has to know shes paying full price and waiting in line at the door before the store even opens if shes going get what she wants.


So what do you do? Nothing. Even if your in mid conversation with her right now as you read this. You do you. Thats what you do!

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