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She lied to me,I don't know if I should break up with her,or let her go.


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Hi everyone,I'm going to be as brief as possible.Anyways,I have been talking to this girl from the Dominican Republic for like several months now,we decided to be bf/gf like more then 3 months ago.We talk everyday on watsapp and do phone calls on that app almost everyday.Everything has been good so far,getting to know each other,laughing together,joking around,compliments etc.Up until a few days ago.I was talking to her on watsapp free calls,and while we were talking the signal went down,and she admited that she got a call from someone,and that's why the signal went down.I asked her "who called you?" and she kind of hesitated,then she said,"oh some guy".Then she said,"But we don't talk anymore".Then I said "well babe,a guy that's calling you,means that you guys talk sometimes,if you guys don't talk no more,he wouldn't be calling" Then she said "yeah I admit it then,he does sometimes call,but we don't talk that much".So she kind of lied there,because at first she said they don't talk no more,now she saying something else.After that she said I tell this guy that I have a bf" I then said "Ok".I wanted to brush it off,but I told her: "you should have told me all this why didn't you tell me about this?" then there was a pause.She trying to explain,then told me I used to talk to him before I met you,and now he decided to call me".So then I later told her "so then how in the hell did you tell him that you had a bf(me) then if you used to talk to him before meeting me?'' "Do you not see all the holes in your story,which makes you look like a liar?" I exclaimed.Then she stood quiet,and she then admitted(since I caught her in the lie) I admit it,I lied,I know your mad at me,and now your not gonna trust me or believe me that I care about you and blah blah.So I told her "how can I trust you now?Since you lied to me?What if I lied to you?Would you trust me?"Then she said,"well if you don't trust me anymore,and you break up with me,I understand,it's gonna hurt,but it's ok I understand".So that conversation ended there,and we haven't really been talking that much,and right now I don't know what to do.What do you guys think?Should I kick this girl to the curb?Some would call this a "white little lie" but a lie is a lie,and frankly I don't know if I could trust this girl anymore.Let me know what you guys think and what I should do,thanks.



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I forgot to mention,it's long distance relationship.I live in Canada,she lives in Dominican Republic.I'm planning to go see her,but after this im not sure anymore.She did tell me she doesn't want to break up with me,but tells me if I do she'll understand,because she admits she lied to me.(because i caught her)She also said she is going to feel hurt if I do break up with her,so I don't know if she feels guilt about the whole thing,and truly is sorry for lying.She doesn't sound like she wants to break up with me.

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It's hard to find a good girl in Canada,believe me.That's why i been looking elsewhere.

What is your definition of a good girl? Is this a looks thing? Because if it is bases on character/integrity this woman (based upon what you shared) she is not looking all that great.

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It's hard to find a good girl in Canada,believe me.That's why i been looking elsewhere.


Hahahahahah!!!!! Canada is huge, I'm 100% sure there's no shortage of amazing girls in there, and this girl is not a good girl since clearly she's already lied to you!

Seriously, you two never met. You are not in a relationship, and if there's no relationship, there's no breakup.

Step away from the computer and go live your life amongst real people... It's easy to have a cyber relationship, because there's no effort involved of any kind (unless you count logging into Skype as an effort), anyone can be whoever they choose to be...the real test is when you're able to secure yourself a relationship in real life. In order to do that, you need to better yourself, so you can live up to the challenge and be able to stand out from the crowd. Don't take the easy way out by hiding behind a screen, work on yourself so you no longer find yourself saying (or even thinking) that there are no good girls in Canada. There are, you just have to be able to get one, and the only way you can do that is by working on yourself first.

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Hahahahahah!!!!! Canada is huge, I'm 100% sure there's no shortage of amazing girls in there, and this girl is not a good girl since clearly she's already lied to you!

Seriously, you two never met. You are not in a relationship, and if there's no relationship, there's no breakup.

Step away from the computer and go live your life amongst real people... It's easy to have a cyber relationship, because there's no effort involved of any kind (unless you count logging into Skype as an effort), anyone can be whoever they choose to be...the real test is when you're able to secure yourself a relationship in real life. In order to do that, you need to better yourself, so you can live up to the challenge and be able to stand out from the crowd. Don't take the easy way out by hiding behind a screen, work on yourself so you no longer find yourself saying (or even thinking) that there are no good girls in Canada. There are, you just have to be able to get one, and the only way you can do that is by working on yourself first.


Yeah your absolutely right.It's time to let this internet go,and get out there.I'm not going to keep lying to myself,she did lie to me,and I'm acting like a simp pretending she is a good girl.At the end of the day she lied.

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