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Is he interested or not? Am i reading the signs correctly?


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So im really into my best friends brother. I just think he's so cute and it was like an instant attraction the moment i saw him, it was like "i REALLY HAVE TO talk to this guy". And my friend is cool with it, she's been trying to slip in some good words. However I've only talked to him a couple of times. The first, when he was helping me fix my tyre (the first time i ever saw him), the second, when i was in his mum's room talking to her and he walked in casually and said hey and i said hey and immediately walked out and into my friends room because im really shy. He's apparently never had a relationship before so I'm not sure what his signs of interest are. I sent him a message on facebook earlier today just saying hello and i told my friend and she went to him and said "***** sent you a message. But i know he doesn't use facebook often so I'm not sure why i bothered with that. And he responded to my friend "tell her to talk to me face to face, i don't use facebook".

So to me that last sentence could be good or bad. Good, because he told her to tell me to talk to him and also since he came in that time to say hey, like, he knew i was in the room so normally that would deter someone if they didnt want to see the person.

However, it can be bad too, because if he was interested in me wouldn't he spare 5 minutes out of his day to say hello to me?

To me, the signs point more to interested than not but i could be completely wrong considering i'm a girl and have next to no clue about guys.


I'm just not sure. I've dated a lot more girls than guys the last few years, so I'm out of touch with guys. So i guess i just wanted opinions on whether he seems interested or to not bother with it?

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Well, all you can do is try and strike up a conversation with him next time you see him. I don't really understand, if his sister is your best friend, why she can't just tell him directly "Chloet likes you, are you interested?" or organize some stuff for the 3 of you to do together, so you get to talk to him more and spend more time in his presence.

Does she know that you've dated girls? If so, chances are she told her brother and he's reluctant to get involved with you because of that. Not too many people are open minded and would want to date a bisexual person.

These are just speculations though. I know you said you're shy, but next time you see him, talk to him - doesn't have to be anything romantic, just be friendly and feel him out.

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Yeah, i think she told her mum that i'm a full blown lesbian and word might've spread and so maybe he's just confused about that.

I've tried to ask her to put in a few words for me but mostly she doesnt really help, the most that has helped is her telling him that i messaged him.


I'm just super shy with guys, like i can't even look them in the eye most of the time, so i have no idea how i would even start a conversation.


But thanks for your input

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The fact that he told you to talk to him face to face as he doesn't use Facebook is a really good thing I think.


A lot of communication these days is mainly on Facebook and other social media websites and I feel that the value of a face to face conversation has been lost slightly. So for him to invite you to talk to him face to face is a good sign it shows that he is actually interested in talking to you face to face. He could have just messaged you back, but he didn't so as I said this a good thing.


I used to be like you and felt too shy to even look a guy in the eye let alone talk to him, but at the end of the day guys are just humans looking them in the eye is okay they won't bite!


The next time you see him you could just say Hi how are you? What have you been up to? etc as that's how most conversations start out.


Once you start acknowledging each other more you might actually start to become friends and you never know he might actually like you.


You don't know unless you try!


Good luck

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