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A question for the singles

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Heya guys & gurls


Just wondering what you'd be doing on Monday with it being valentines day?


I mean I'm single and I'm getting a bit fed up about people going on about what their going to do with their gf or bf. Doesn't anyone else feel the same way?


Theres nothing for me 2 do because I haven't got a boyfriend.


Well just curious!



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For me it's just one more day, nothing more. One more working day...


Well about what ppl are going to give or do with their SO, doesn't matter to me, and i try to put myself distant to the topic. Actually around my friends or co-workers i haven't heard much about it. So it's not bothering me much.

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As was stated previously Valentines Day is just another day, you have to give the day significance in order for it to mean anything. Why think of it as a day where you arent doing anything special when instead think of it as a monday. If you dont have plans for that day thats fine, if you dont give the day significance then you wont get yourself down.

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first of all i never though vday should be a big day anyways. it simply exists as an excuse for retailers to tell us we "have" to buy more things. its more of an obligation in many instances. i know last year i didnt get my gf at the time a vday gift. she was pissed! even though i took her on a surprise trip to niagara falls for absolutely no reason at all. personally i rather have the trip during some random time then to have some cheesy gift for a day in which im "supposed to" and expected to do something.


also..on the bright side, its on a monday. wouldnt it make you feel worse if it were on the weekend. monday is probably the best day for it...for those going through breakups.

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Valentines day?....what's that...no heh j/k. Um...seriously...don't care, never really given it so much as a thought to care what I'd be doing that day. Like Bibora said...another work day. Besides the fact...in the UK, they celebrate Vday?....Vday was created by Hallmark lol...I didn't know Hallmark had card shops in the UK. Just another holiday for card shops and flower shops to collect money till mother's day...hah

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Wow! Didn't think people would be this bored on V-day! I imagine I'd love it when I have that special someone.


I know what you mean about treating it like another day. I hate walking in a shop and you will be stood in the que and someone will say 'wow look at that stand what are you going to buy your gf or bf?' or looking at romatic gifts.


I see people walking down the street holding hands and feel really lonely!


Whats worst is when you have a monster crush on someone who's taken!

oooh that hurts!


I still have a crazy crush on my pe teacher who im sure is taken he's var too cute to be single



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Besides the fact...in the UK, they celebrate Vday?....Vday was created by Hallmark lol...I didn't know Hallmark had card shops in the UK.


V-day is obscenely big over here, and yes we have Hallmark. My local pub is already decked out with hearts and stuff! It's ridiculous - nowhere to avoid it


A kiwi friend of mine just moved over here for a few months to be with her bf and she was amazed at how much of a deal it is - I don't think they make much of an effort in NZ.

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i always figured this day to be a capitalist conspiracy. a way for all the greeting card companies and corporate chocolate giants to make money. so i really have no emotional attachment to this day. as for being surrounded by couples who have each other on this "very special" day and for the rest of the year? yeah, they sure churn my butter. it's almost as if somebody up there does not like me, and is putting all of these couples in my face, and pointing and laughing at me and saying "haha! look what you can't have!" and so on. as for what i'm doing, well, same thing i do every monday. go to work.


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To the singles... well, V-day isn't much better when you're dating someone and the relationship is on the rocks.


another day of culturally sanctioned comsumerism. There are good things to being single, and they should be celebrated on V-day too. In fact, last I checked there are clubs or organizations out there that promote events for singles on V-day... so if you're in the mood to just have fun and maybe even meet some new people, could be something to look into.

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I will be way too busy with schoolwork to even think about doing something on Valentine's Day. I got tons of stuff due on Monday and especially Tuesday. Got a 10 minute presentation, hard math homework, a bunch of papers to write, and so on. I'll probably forget that it's Valentine's Day in the first place. It means nothing to me as well. I think that even if I was with someone, it would still mean nothing to me. If you love someone, you should show your love way more often than just on Valentine's Day. However, if I have time then I may try to go out somewhere with a friend and just have some fun. V-day is just like any other day to me as well so you guys aren't alone. Take it easy!

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i always figured this day to be a capitalist conspiracy. a way for all the greeting card companies and corporate chocolate giants to make money. so i really have no emotional attachment to this day. as for being surrounded by couples who have each other on this "very special" day and for the rest of the year? yeah, they sure churn my butter. it's almost as if somebody up there does not like me, and is putting all of these couples in my face, and pointing and laughing at me and saying "haha! look what you can't have!" and so on. as for what i'm doing, well, same thing i do every monday. go to work.



Wow, that summed up my feelings towards Valentine's Day pretty well. As for me, I'll be going to work in the morning, going home at 15:00, having a shower and eat something, and then I'm going to take delivery of my new car at 18:00. 8) At least that will hopefully keep my mind off of the fact that I'm all alone on yet another Valentine's Day. On the other hand that empty passenger's seat may just bring it all back in the end.

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