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IQ tests....i just took mine. question about scores.

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Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients


IQ/ Description/ % of Population


130+/ Very superior/ 2.2%

120-129/ Superior/ 6.7%

110-119/ High average/ 16.1%

90-109/ Average/ 50%

80-89/ Low average/ 16.1%

70-79/ Borderline/ 6.7%

Below 70/ Extremely low/ 2.2%


I copied and pasted this off of this link removed.


My son and I took ours earlier this evening off of the tickle website. Here is the link. link removed

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IQ tests have no validity, we studied them in Psychology; you can easily get an IQ of 250 by just practising the test.


I agree. I took an IQ test when I was a junior in high school and got 126. I then took ome when I was a sophomore in college and got 105, lol. So going by that college made me dumber.


There is no truly accurate way to measure a person's intelligence. IQ scores are the closest thing we have, but they are not even that accurate.

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doesnt the celverset man, the guy in the wheelchair have a IQ of like 190?
Steven Hawking? Yeah, i think his IQ is just over 200, thats one of the highest IQ's ever recorded!


Im another person who doesn't really bother with IQ tests, i believe that they only show applied learning, not actual intelligence, which is something that would be very difficult to accurately measure.

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Intelligence is a hard thing to measure since there are so many different forms of it and just as many ways of assessing it. In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University, introduced a new, more inclusive concept of intelligence, which he called Multiple Intelligence. His theory moved away from the traditional "can you memorize facts, do math, think logically, and write perfect sentences?" types of measurement criteria, and opted instead for a more varied approach to judging mental abilities.


The initial classification system consisted of seven categories, each covering a different area of intelligence:


Linguistic intelligence: The skill of working with languages and words. While some people can master multiple languages, others struggle to learn just one.


Logical-mathematical intelligence: Problem solving in a logical, Vulcan-like way. The form of intelligence most frequently associated with geek-ish book smarts.


Musical intelligence: The ability to think in terms of notes, pitch and rhythm, whether in the playing or composition of music.


Spatial intelligence: Solving problems visually, inside one's head. Navigation and orientation are the more obvious examples, but abilities in art, sculpture or design are also key.


Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: Being in full control of muscle movements, hand-eye coordination and other sporty things. The opposite of awkward, klutzy behavior.


Interpersonal intelligence: The ability to pick up on the moods, feelings and emotions of others. Social skills.


Intrapersonal intelligence: Being aware of ourselves, our own feelings, and our own thoughts.

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i took one and got 137


results from that sight said...


Average: 85 - 115

Above average: 116 - 125

Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135

Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145

Genius: 146 - 165

High Genius: 166 - 180

Highest Genius: 181 - 200

Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200



qt xxx

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These sorts of tests favour people of a certain environment/society and and I would dispute their ability to measure intelligence. They also measure "tangible" things - such as ability to solve equations, and do not consider a persons other abilities, such as their emotional quotient, creativity, etc.


That, and I would not trust an online IQ test to give me a true measure either.


Trust me, I have met people who "tested" high on the IQ scale and have serious issues dealing with daily life, and those who never went to college, test much lower and are more intelligent then some PhD's I know.

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When IQ tests are properly constructed and properly given they do have a lot of validity. They are a good measure of intelligence (academic intelligence at least) but like all measures, they do have some flaws. But we shouldn't dismiss them just because they have a few flaws.


Remember that there is a difference between being smart and being wise. SOme people are very smart but they make foolish decisions with thier lives and they get no where. Other people are very stupid, but they make wise decisions and get ahead in life.


IN any case, don't let IQ scores hold you back, or let you think you have an advantage over others. LIke everyone, if you work hard at something, you will have success.

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IQ isn't as important as who you are and the heart you have. Being really smart doesn't mean which if your personality is atrocious and no one can stand to be around you. And sometimes it's the so called "average" or "below average" people that come up with the best ideas.

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Its important to avoid extreme views on IQ tests. They are not completely wrong, but they are not completely right either. They do to some extent measure the construct of intelligence, but its important to remember that academic intelligence is not always beneficial if one does not also have social and emotional intelligence.


IQ scores may rank a person's academic intelligence, but they do not make one person better than another, and they don't determine your destiny. Your future is your hands and your choices, and is not bound up by an IQ test.

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