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You need to get some help.


This guy has lied, cheated and treated you disrespectfully, over and over. You know that this guy does not care, but you continue to go back to get emotionally beaten down.


This is now on you! You need to take some responsibility and block this guy. There is NO FUTURE!!!


Time to value yourself. He doesn't.

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This guy has really treated you like garbage, for a long time. No offense, but none of his behavior should be a surprise.


You need to learn to treat yourself better, and that means getting out after the first red flag.


You need to understand why you were attracted to this dynamic. Get some therapy.

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He is blocked and I haven't contacted him. Unfortunately that isn't removing how hurt I feel! Which is what I'm struggling with!


Ah I feel your pain. I spent my whole lunch break today sobbing in my car and have came home and don't exactly the same! I'd usually be seeing him tonight . I am in NC but I only have to think of anything from him meeting and liking someone new or just us spending time together and I feel physically sick and claustrophobic at the thought. I'm not doing much to help myself as it is all I think about. Guess we just have to find the positives but it's so hard to see any when I miss and love him so much.

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He is blocked and I haven't contacted him. Unfortunately that isn't removing how hurt I feel! Which is what I'm struggling with!


That violin that your are hearing is your heart which has nothing to do with him. Love yourself my dear and sing your heart out and become strong WOMEN you are, and then find love

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