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What is wrong with me..


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Two days ago my ex broke up with me over text message.. We got together in November 2013 and he broke up with me September 2014 saying he didn't know what love was, he didn't have time for me, he would rather do other things than see me and didn't like to spend money on me. We had some contact over 2 months, and in November he came round for sex.. This continued for a long time. I found out that he had slept with a girl from his work (who always liked him) once and he said it wouldn't happen again, I was better blah blah.. All the stuff I wanted to hear. we continued seeing each other once or twice a week up until May when I saw the girl out and she told me she had in fact been sleeping with him from November- February.. This was absolutely horrific to hear and when I confronted him he again said he wasn't excited to see me anymore, only loved me 'a little bit' and that he thought it was best he didn't see me anymore. The week after he went on holiday and I caved and said I missed him.. We were texting for the remainder of the holiday and met when he got back- we agreed to try again and see how it went. He had two more holidays to go on this year and said he wanted to wait until he got home from his last one and then he would make a decision on what he wanted to do. This gave me massive anxiety yet he still refused to give me his decision. When he got home he did ask me to be his girlfriend again.. However two months down the line he has broken up with me again and again cited the reasons 'I love you a little bit' 'I don't want a girlfriend' exactly as he said in May I'm so hurt and confused about what he is doing. I have spoken to his mum and she said he seems very quiet and said that he thinks he will miss me. Getting broken up with again came as quite a shock.. I was with him many days last week he had stayed over bought me flowers took me to lunch etc. then on the Friday we had argued and he said what he did (over text message). He was still saying he loved me, no difference in behaviour! Sorry if this seems like rambling I'm just finding it very difficult to piece together what has happened and gone wrong.. Why do I persist on wanting someone who does this to me all the time? I'm fed up of feeling miserable

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Now is the time to pick up your long lost self-respect and dignity and remove him from your life for good. All you've been doing is be a doormat and giving him all the power, not realizing that he is not one bit capable of having a relationship, at least not in this point of his life. Like he already told you and showed you through his actions, he is enjoying the single life more and you are just not a priority.


Even if/when he contacts you again, be sure it will be out of boredom and horny-ness.


And trust me, all this is not "confusing" or "difficult to piece together" at all. He doesn't want a girlfriend (right now) and he is not in love with you. Sorry it's harsh but there is just no other way to state it.

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However two months down the line he has broken up with me again and again cited the reasons 'I love you a little bit' 'I don't want a girlfriend' exactly as he said in May


After telling you "I love you a little bit" it's time to send him back to his sandbox to play. You need to tell yourself that "you're better than this," followed by raising your standards. I wish you well...

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