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is she interested?? i need opinions


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So here's the situation....usually 2 times a day i go to holiday gas station...once in the morning to get coffee and once in the afternoon to get smokes and soda. Im 31 and there is a really cute but young 18 or 19yr old chick that works there. Things started off just like a normal in and out thing. But I've started small talk over the last 2 months and have built it up enough that she is an acquaintance...we've joked and laughed (even when i made a stupid joke she laughed hysterically) and shes even teased me (told another cashier to give me the complete opposite of what I asked for). I notice she will give me a double take when i walk in and will generally make her way up to the counter to take care of my purchases. I consider my self to be good looking and charismatic( i have no problem talking to woman, except im not ballzy enough to cold approach a woman) I've also noticed that when she has no make up on and hair is messy she will not look at me and almost avoids me but the opposite when shes dolled up ( this am she wouldn't help me cause she wasn't at her best). She also ID'd me a while back and i know she wanted to see my age. I just need an opinion on if i should ask her out and if the signs are there from more experienced people.

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She could be 17, just look like an 18 year old. Be very very careful what you get yourself into. I think you two are at such different stages in life it just wouldn't work - she's still growing up and you could be her father (well, not quite, but just getting a point accross). I think someone your own age would work far far better.

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What's your expectations? What's hers? It would look to be a physical relationship on the front end since the maturity factor is huge here.

If you are being honest, you probably are hugely turned on and she is hugely feeling special a 31 year old is finding her desirable.


This has a short shelf life...but maybe thats what you both want?

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