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A womans bush


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.. my womans, that is. So I'm trying to convince her that some shaving or atleast a little trimming would do her (I probably mean me) good. It really is a jungle down there, all over the cleft and continuing out on the inner thighs. Very much imprenetateable to oral sex for instance.


She skillfully resists my attempts to persuade her by referring to the fact that almost no other women shaves. Unfortunately, I have only seen a very limited number of bushes in my life so I have to take her word for it. She concludes that my brain has been damaged from watching porn and that I should be content that she is shaving her armpits, because if I where dating a German, she probably wouldn't.


So my question is, am I a pervert for begging her to do this? I wasn't asking for a clear-cut forest, just for some thinning. Who is right, me or her? Obviously it is her decision... but..

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Well, I personally don't have any friends that don't do at least some shaving, if not all. I think actually a full bush is more uncommon these days than perhaps the landing strip or a clean shaven southern region.


Does she expect you to go down on her? If so, she should take the hint that a mouthful of hair isn't so sexy .

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Dude... ive seen a few bushes in my time and it depends on the woman in question if she needs to shave, i would say if its going on to her thighs than definatly a little trimming is in order, does she ever wear a swim suit... that must be an interesting sight...


Then again if she aint gonna do it for ya, and you dont like it, then you gonna have a problem eh....


It depends on the view you take, if she loves you enough then she would do it, but if you loved her enough you wouldnt care... tough one.

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Hmm, well I actually most women do some sort of maintenance down there...I mean if you are wearing a bikini you pretty much have to do SOMETHING!


Personally I shave it clean off, mine was always fairly clean and sparser anyway but I just like the smoother/cleaner feel and look....and since I do a lot of cycling it is soooo much more comfortable under bike shorts! Of course, it really makes great sensations during sex as well...and I am pretty sure my boyfriend loves it


Not all women will shave clean of course, but most will at least trim the sides down, and even take a clipper to the area to keep it short, or a landing strip etc.


Have you asked her WHY she does not do it? How about you suggest it as some fun in the bath one day..of course, you should repay the favour and make sure you are keeping trim yourself! And reward her with an awesome oral job! I can see how it would be a turn off for you for oral sex for example.


Tell her its more fun to play with whipped cream and strawberries when its shaved/trimmed!


Yeah, I honestly would say most women do something down there.

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A male friend of mine had the exact same problem. He ended up solving his problem by first hinting to his girlfriend about how nice it would be to have her bare down there, especially for oral.


He basically took a shower with her, asked to shave her himself while making sure that the mood was sexual. He shaved her bare. Ever since then she's been shaving herself for him.


Maybe that will help get the hint accross to her?

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sure i can appreciate a tidy bikini line. but why is having no bush so attractive? and as for landing strips...they seem to be the worse of both worlds. couldn't a little tactful trimming be enough.


me, personally, i love a bit of bush. it's so lush and much more fragrant.


mainly it's just so much more natural. and nature, to me anyway, is beauty. it just seems so much more...womanly...mature. in fact i'd be trying to convince her to keep it. (yes, i also appreciate a little underarm hair. no, i'm not a hippy)

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Can i just ask how u keep yourself? Cause its not much fun going down on a guy who doesnt at least trim as well.


I would think most women would at the least shave their bikini line. But i guess it is her choice. Just stop giving her oral and i'm sure she'll trim up pretty quickly.

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Well, I always shave bikiniline and trim the rest of it. I only see women's bushes (LOL) when we change at the swimmingtraining, and sometimes (but RARELY) my fellow clubmates surprise me with indeed quite a bush...


But when you swim like 4 times a week there is no way around it if you want to look decent. Also my bf likes to do oral, but I know it gives him pleasure when there is no hair in his nose


I don't see the argument of German armpits LOL (I am not German, but let's say that Germany is my neighbourcountry and we love to make fun of them, no offence for the Deutsche Leute!)


Your gf has the freedom of course to shave downstairs or not. Does she likes oral sex? Don't give her head when you have to stick your nose in the jungle. Sex is for both to enjoy!



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