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So... I'd like to get started somewhere and will try to be as understandable as possible.

I'm presently 16 (yeah, you might say a bit too young!), and this is what that's happening with my life:


It was around October last year, in 2014 (I was 15), when I suddenly began talking a lot to my classmate who's been in my class since 1.5 years already. Be became good friends, and all the free time I spent thinking about her, or chatting with her, or talking to her in person. I was madly infatuated, and that was clear. This went really, really good and smooth for a few months, I guess about 4 or 5... It's so far the best experience of my life. Even though my school have me lots of to deal with, it was smooth with her presence in my life!


Well, at this point, I think I should say a bit about her. She's really friendly, and she's kinda (very very little) flirtatious in nature. But she gave me the attention I deserved, so it meant no problem to me at the time. I still don't know for sure, but it really seemed like she liked me too. (Which I don't know even now)


And then 2015 came, and with it came February, bundled with a starter pack of for beginners. Something happened, which I don't know even now, and she suddenly started ignoring me, at around February. The girl who loved my presence beside her was no longer the same. I didn't know what the hell was happening with my life, seriously. I suspect it has something to do with her parents, but I don't know for sure. And then she avoided me, and kept doing the same... still being friendly with other boys. All the trust was breaking at this point. At first, I became super possessive of her, fearing letting her go, but it only made things worse. And to add to the awesomeness, my then best-friend (A**HOLE) developed a crush on her... ... ....


Well I was still hopeful it'd be over soon... And things would be good... I kept trying, acting madly desperate at times. I began to fall into this black hole of melancholy and depression and that extended infinitely. There were no real life friends I could share this with, and all the stress bundled inside me. One month later (March), she 'apologized' for 'ignoring' me. And I felt like yeaahhhh... finally...


Turns out good doesn't last for long. She wasn't as close to me as she was before. Other boys became more important to her than, or at least I assumed. (I was still very possessive in nature at this time). She didn't give me proper attention, and shared all with everyone else except me. I started flirting with other girls, just to get her attention, and kinda started ignoring her. Around mid-march, she sent me a message, something like "I want to be friends with you like before... .. ... What is wrong with you?", and now I could either try to sort out things, or drop a nuke and end it all.


My teenage hormones, ego, and other took over (Which I deeply regret), and I replied, "Yeah we can, but certain people don't want me to behave in certain ways with certain people", suggesting that I found another girlfriend (even though I didn't) and was extremely rude. Also, I had a reason I did it, because every day and every night pained like and it was horrifyingly horrifying emotional pain, and letting go seemed like a very good option.


We didn't speak for months, or rather spoke sparsely, very very little. was beginning to rot and it only became worse each passing day...And then we slowly started talking, even though it's mostly only during group activities in school. We no longer ignore each other, but it feels like everything ended. I'm very sure she doesn't like me anymore, but maybe I need to apologize for ignoring for so long? And give it another go. And since then, I've become more emotionally mature...


So guys, that's what happened! I'm young, so it might be true that I still don't know what true love is, and yeah I accept that. But honestly, it feels so bad even now, so what do you think? And sorry, I couldn't remember many other events, some important, that took place. I'll tell them if they're requires.

Thanks for getting this far!

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I have to admit I got a strong vibe that this girl really isn't interested in you, or as into you as you are into her. Yes, you are both very very young and this will probably happen to you many more times as you grow up and go through more relationships. I wouldn't lose anymore sleep over her. I think she has moved on and so should you.

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Did you ever actually ask her out on a date or start a relationship with her? Does she know how you feel?


Formally, never. I mean we were literally very close, but I never actually did ask her on a date or start any formal relationship.. Well the whole school knew and so did our friends and they spoke with me and her separately, but we both never spoke about it, unfortunately...


And, I remember telling her, or at least I hope so, how I felt. But I'm 100% sure she did know how I felt, and also that she liked me too...

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Then, unfortunately, she probably moved on because you didn't make a move. From a female perspective, it's nice to have a guy who hangs around and gives you attention, but eventually if he doesn't actually take it into action, you're going to find someone who will give you attention and be in a relationship with you.

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Then, unfortunately, she probably moved on because you didn't make a move. From a female perspective, it's nice to have a guy who hangs around and gives you attention, but eventually if he doesn't actually take it into action, you're going to find someone who will give you attention and be in a relationship with you.


Honestly, is it still worth a try to confront and ask her now if she's seeing someone and go on? And I was a little too afraid of rejection and losing her as a very good friend, so I could never make the move... would it make sense to ask her now?

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Don't give up here if you really love her! So man up and tell her how you really feel. She may reject you at first but there is always hope, don't give up when you didn't even start trying. Actions speaks louder than words.


Thanks man, moonbunny! That was motivational.. I'll see if I can do it in school the next day... I'll just try beginning to talk with her at least, and if there's scope for more, well yeah! True that actions speak louder than words... but since I already sent that stupid message that meant the end of all, how exactly do I tell her...?

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You're welcome! Maybe you should take a few days off without contacting her now. So that your emotions won't get in your way. Think carefully what you what her to know. Yes maybe you should establish contact first but keep things friendly and brief. Take things slow and try to go with the flow.

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