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Please need some advice asap!!!

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Well I dont want to make this a long story so i'll just try and sum it up.


I'm 20 been smoking pot for 4 years parents still dont know, I want to tell my mom tonight before they leave on their vacation but I cant think of any words without sounding dumb or just come right out and saying "Mom I smoke Weed" which is not exactly the best way to come clean.


PLZ help me, their leaving tomorrow and I wont see them after tonight because I work in the morning!!

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I really want to tell em before they go so that weird tension wont be there. Their going for a week.


See this way even if my mom gets mad at me it's not like she's gonna cancel her vacation and with a week time to think about it who knows.


I mean I am 20 I shouldnt have to feel guilty that I smoke weed. I'm pretty sure she'll understand anyways it's just I dont want to sound stupid when coming clean ya know? Just need a few helpful guidelines just to get me started.

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haha well like I said, I wanted some guidelines but since I didnt get em I just winged it.


I told her that I had a bad habit and that she might be disapointed. She asked me what it was and I said I dont know how to say it, and then she said are you doping? LoL I was like yah, and she was like but your not into any of those harder drugs are you? And I told her no just weed and that I was responsible about it and she wouldnt have to worry about me doing harder stuff because I'm not stupid.


I never started smoking weed to be kool and fit in with my peers. Kids that do it to be kool are the type to usually try harder things because they cant handle the pure pressure. So I told her she has nothing to worry about and that I only do it to get away from all my stress and to have a good time. I told her to tell my dad sometime when I'm not around because my dad is alot more complicated then my mom so she'd maybe have a better way to tell him.

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