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Signs he is interested??!


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Hi there!



Totally confused as to whether or not a guy is interested in me or not!



The context of the situation is the gym, therefore its not a normal place to meet or ask people out!



I met him last summer and we chatted but I went back to work days later so I never saw him again til this summer. First week back at the gym we chatted again and he introduced himself immediately. I talk to lots of people at the gym just in passing, I nor them ever feel compelled to introduce ourselves.



I see him everyday at gym (only during the summer because I am off for two months) and each day I see him we always have a chat and he is very receptive and discloses plenty of information to me about himself (ie. where he works, what he does, he has two kids, etc...no mention of a girlfriend). Yet he hasn't asked me out!! I can't decide whether he is just being friendly or he is into me. I understand some guy's at the gym might just want a girl to chat to at the gym but he is pretty forthcoming with information for someone that is taken or not interested.

I do initiate conservations with him but that's about as far as I'll go for now, I'm open to someone new but past relationships and hurts have caused me to hold back a little for fear of being rejected or hurt again.



I am really interested in him, as he is not like any guy I have been into before, he is really sweet, level headed and mature.



Any thoughts??!



Thanks in advance

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Since he's not asking you out and he's obviously not shy, there are two reasons why he's not asking you out. He either has a girlfriend or a wife, or he's just not that into you but likes the ego boost that you have a crush on him, and yes, he knows that. There are guys who are faithful, but they don't mention a gf or wife because they like the brief interactions with an attractive lady and think they'll spoil it by bringing up his significant other.


I wouldn't make any effort with him in the future, and if he approaches you, keep it pleasant but brief. Tell yourself he's just another cute guy at the gym and emotionally move on.

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There is no better way to find out if someone is interested in you then to keep the conversations going. The more you know about each other and the friendlier it gets, you'll be able to tell for sure if he's interested or not.

If you're really interested in him (and you've made sure he's definitely not seeing someone) you should show him that you are interested but in small steps, don't be too straight forward. He might even be afraid to make the first move for the same reasons you are, rejection.

But if none of you speak up then it could be a opportunity missed. Sometimes it's better to put yourself out there rather than wonder what could have happened.

Good luck (:

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He would have asked you out an eternity ago if he were interested. He's either just a very friendly sort or has someone and isn't a cheat. But he's not interested if this much time has passed. And guys at the gym tend to move fast if they are interested, because there's competition.


Sorry, keep looking elsewhere. This one is not available/not interested or both.

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I disagree, and definitely think he is interested in you. I never feel compelled to just go up to strangers at the gym and start conversations with them on a regular basis for no reason. And I don't think the gym is a weird place to ask someone out from either! It is certainly possible that he's just very friendly. But you'll never know unless you just ask him if he's available, and if he is, ask him out for coffee! Until you do that, you'll just have to keep guessing.

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You may have to make the first move on this one. Guys hear all the time how women don't like to be hit on at the gym, that they're there just to work out. Maybe he's just being respectful. Find a specific event or activity in your area and ask him if he'd like to join you. What the heck--faint heart never won prince charming, or something like that. lol At least you'll have your answer.

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