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Im fed up and not going to be nice!

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Okay Ive broken up with my bf of 3yrs that Ive lived together with..he told me he never loved me, never intended to marry me and was relieved I did it. In the heat of the argument I learn he's cheated on me and I was stunned I had thought all this time he had been faithful, I was very wrong.

So I went and made plans to move out..I had him sign a roommate release agreement which is legal and binding in my state. I agreed in writing to stay at our town home till February 5th and then Im moving out. So legally I am responsable for only the first week of rent that's pro-rated.


Problem is he wont accept the agreement and can't grasp he signed it and gave his okay to the whole thing. He wants to hold me to paying my share of half of the rent. When that failed he then tried to force me to pay half of the half..but still no luck. Finally he has resorted to threatening me and my new car. He has threatened to take my bed that he bought me as a gift to replace the one he didnt like sleeping on 2yrs ago. The law firm told me it would cost him 3x that of what the 2yr old bed is worth and the lawyers would get a 33.3% cut and once its all done and said he'd really have nothing to show for putting himself further into debt.


They told me he is tossing a fit over a mere $90.00 difference and that its not worth getting upset over. Besides they said your moving to an undisclosed new address how is he going to get a bed back if he doesnt know where to look?.


He doesnt know the true date Im leaving and is thinking its on the weekend so Im advised to let him continue thinking that. He has not yet become aware he cant sue me for rent after signing the release agreement and when he does it will come as a shock to him. Ive spoken to the apartment's law team and they told me he has no legal grounds when he signed it he became the soul party responsable and Im no longer even on the lease. Im free to move and not look back on the cheating runt.



Here is my problem...I only have to pay for one week. What Im doing is legal and binding and I owe him nothing. If I choose to pay anything more its out of the kindness of my heart and right now after learning about the "other woman" I dont feel inclined to be so generous. He knows he's now obligated to pay for the townhome now on his own be he somehow thinks he can bully me into paying. So he is still is tossing a tantrum about the whole deal.


Ive got one more day and Im avoiding him at all cost. Advised not to anwser any calls he may make to me on my cell so he cant keep track of my location or activity.


How would you deal with this situation if it were you?

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Do EXACTLY as your lawyer advised. Move as soon as possible, don't disclose the dates, times and places to him, and put this behind you.


You deserve better, and bravo for taking this action. The idiot has wasted 3 years of your life, by lying and cheating, the least he can pay is the rent.!!

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Wow, this is an unbelievable jerk. He cheats on you, tells you he never loved you,... and still expects you to pay for rent after you have moved out?


I dont care if he has no income whatsoever, he does not deserve a penny of your money or a second of your time.


Get out of there as soon as possible and let him figure out how to come up with the cash.


Good luck!

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It sounds like you injured his ego when you broke up with him, then he lauched a personal attack on you with intent to injure your emotions. I'm not sure he cheated though, since it did seem like it was in the heat of battle. Just when you think you know someone . . .they surprise you. Since your ex has nothing but bad intentions at this point and he's conducting himself in a less than civil manner, I would implement NC at this point. You've got the legal advice you need, which is great. Many people go into things blindly, but seeking legal advice was very smart on your part. Things will obviously work out for the better on your part since you have a good head on your shoulders.

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If I were you, I would not be inclined to be generous either. I would do as the lawyer suggested. Don't disclose any information, pay him only what you rightfully owe, take your bed (it was a gift, not conditional) and get the heck out.


Even if he was lying, he should have inserted foot in mouth. (Oh, and hide the paper he signed, he might try to burn it or something )


Good luck.

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