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Emotions all over the place

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So, I assume this is normal, but I feel like writing anyway. Last year I broke up with my ex girlfriend after 15 years together (and 2 kids). For me things had been bad for a few years, but it finally came to a head and we broke up. I talk to her all the time because we share the kids (and the dog ). I didn't plan it but I ended up meeting a guy and we've been dating for several months and it's going really well (yeah, I'm bisexual).

It's just I still have a lot of emotional ups and downs, obviously. Like today I felt like crying all day, and I don't even know why.

It was especially hard because for a lot of our friends we weren't even out. (Yeah, I know, horrible situation, but we live in a small town...). So I didn't even have many people to talk to after the break up.

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Sorry to hear about your breakup, but congrats on the new guy! It sounds like you had a very extensive history together, so thinking about it less than a year later and feeling down is completely normal and nothing to feel ashamed about.



Best of luck!

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Did you grieve enough before? Because you mentioned you couldn't tell your friends about it. I know some people are the "man/ woman up! Life is beautiful" and so they dont have enough grieving time. Then the emotions they're bottling up just explodes after some time.

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I definitely grieved. I don't know if it was "enough", but when we broke up, for more than a month I couldn't eat/sleep, ,kept having panic attacks. I have one good friend that I was able to talk to, that was there for me through it all. I mean, I definitely expressed my emotions.

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Maybe it's because you have to talk to her because of the dog and kids. Regular breakups involve no contact for a while.


But, do you have better days? I was told before that these feelings of getting over is not linear. Bad days are really bad. Good days are neutral or really good.

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