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Soooooo i'm in a bit of a confusing situation. My ex and I broke up about 3 weeks ago. Ever since then, my co-worker has been really flirty and talking to me lately. Except, our conversations are pointless and a waste of time. It goes like this;


her: hiii how was work?

me: not too bad, how about yourself?

her: it was good!

me: whatcha up to?

her: -responds hours later- nothing i'm going to bed!


That's just how most of our conversations go, but heres where I get confused. She sends me NUDES. That's right, NUDES. I don't even ask for them, she just sends me pix of her playing with herself or even teasing with her in lingerie. You guys might ask, okay maybe you should just go sleep with her? The reason why I can't is because i'm deployed but i'll be back to the states in a month. She always texts me saying she can't wait until i'm home.


My question is, should I take her seriously or take her as a friend with benefits?

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Take her as a cam actress that would make a really bad wife to someone who is in the services and often not home.


BTW: How is she your "co-worker" if you are in the armed services and are currently deployed? Is she also in the military and with Conduct Unbecoming?

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