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My ex boyfriend broke up with me on the first day of senior year. We were together for 2 years. His reasons were pretty stupid, and more like excuses. But instead of just ending it, he still calls me, and hangs out with me, and asks me to do stuff with him and invites me over. We have sex sometimes, you know, one thing leads to another. But he refuses to go out with me again. I don't know why! We are basically going out, why won't he just go out with me? We got in a fight and I didn't talk to him for 4 days and he got really upset and begged me to talk to him. Every time I try to talk about us getting back together he gets mad and tunes me out. I love him and I tell him this. I can't take this anymore. I want him back and I've tried everything. What is wrong with him? Why won't he just go out with me? We hang out all the time and he calls me all the time. I'm getting really exhausted. Its been 6 months. He will make out with me, and then he won't give me a kiss goodbye. What is the deal? I don't want to end contact with him. It would be too painful. It's impossible for me to do that. I used to go to counseling and nothing the doctor told me helps. I'm at my wits end. I want him back, but I don't know what the hell to do!

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Im sorry but you have to understand that your view of things riht now is skewed. The guy is obviously using you and has no respect for you as he can get what he wants out of you. I think its time to move on and even though it will be hard its something you have to do. The best thing to do is toget your friends help to get over the guy

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Um, I think you know what he's doing only you don't want to face it yet, he's getting his sex and companionship with no responsibilities. And you know what he gets with all these "I'll put it off" behaviors? All this sooo confusing stuff that he does? He gets CONTROL. The only way to deal with someone like him is to leave. I'm sorry but that is it. I know it's going to be hard but you need to do it for you. Sooner or later you are going to come home and find out that you have vmails from your pals saying that he's now dating someone else, and he's still going to be seeing/sleeping with you too.

I've dated his type--you are better off leaving NOW.

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