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Rules of dating or not?


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I have`nt been in that many relationship, so I just wanna ask u, both guys and gals a few questions. 1) A guy should put his gf in first place, for example before friends, right? Maybe not all the time, but sometimes. What if he does`nt do so at all. 2) How do u know if a guy is or is`nt into you? Sometimes guys are really closed up? 3)How many chances should a guy get to improve? One or two?, 4) If his friends, particulary best mate, seem to really like u. 5) What if your boyfriends a real flirt. At first I thought I was being paranoid, but then my best friend was like 'does he have to be all over her like that'. Later my two other best mates were like 'he flirts a bit too much, its worrying.' Okay I think that's it! Please answer! Please! Guys as well.

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Hey rainbow.... dont take my opinions to heart this is just my experience with guys and doesn't necessarily mean all guys....how much easier would it be though ok i think a guy should put his gf first, but shouldn't necessarily dump his friends all the time to hang out with her or visa versa. ok there needs to be a balance so u dont get sick of each other or distant because of the amount of time you spend 2gether. guys need guy time as they need to relax. guys act different around their friends and their girlfriends and their parents. we all do it...different interactions enables us different perspectives. ok its pretty easy to pick up on guys signals if a guy is into you. you've probably already picked up on these signals. they flirt, playfully pay you out or ignore u totally sometimes if they're shy, tell you private things when you hardly know them, go out of their way for you, you may also often catch them looking at you as well when they think your not looking...so on and so on. theres lots of different things but they're some that i come accross usually. ok i usually give them three if i think they really deserve it and its not a big problem or it is genuinely hard for them to fix. otherwise its one- if they cant fix it after one chance and really bugs you then they are going to keeps doing it. ok going for your bf best mate is a definite no no, you will get labelled in the group and often they never work out any way. so do not date or get with this guy. ok lastly if your bf a major flirt i say you talk to him, tell him if he says he wants to be with you then he should act like it and shouldn't be hanging off other girls. obviously if your friends noticed it as well, you shouldn't let it slide. not only is it disrespectful to you, it shows he is probably only using you. what does he introduce you as to these other girls??? ok well hope this helped and good luck

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4) If his friends, particulary best mate, seem to really like u.


I dont know what you mean by this but if you are thinking of starting to see is best friend dont. I recently had a girl who I was dating decide she liked my friend after i introduced them. The sad thing is this friend made the mistake of going after her (guys dont date other friends girls or ex's...at least until the other guy is over em) now I dont know who I can trust anymore and I am hurt on both sides of the fence.

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I personally do not approve dating your friend's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend. That is one of the tacit rules that everyone should follow if they have one compassionate bone in their body. It shows they value and respect your friendship. However, the only exception I see where dating your friend's ex while maintaining the friendship is if there was a mutual agreement between you two. Then I believe it is alright since both sides agree and acknowledge the current circumstance.

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