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Leaving and what will I lose


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So getting to the end of my rope, GF is still hiding us from her family after 6 months, she is 30, I am 40. Very silly but...

I love her, or think so, and she said she is "getting there" and likes me very much.

I am now looking to the possibility that I will have to walk away. Seems crappy, but...

So one thing that occurred to me is that I should be able to leave and not regret what I lost. Why? because she doesn't love me, she likes me. If I walk away she will lose love, but I will only lose like. Hell, like is easy to find!! So what are your thoughts on this attitude? Am I wrong or BSing myself?

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I'm sorry, but i think you're fooling yourself and it's time to move on with your life.


BTW, How did she age 3 years, within the last few days?


Some people just age at different rates.


If this is a real person, you need to dump her. After 6 months, if she's not in love she never will be.

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I'm sorry, but i think you're fooling yourself and it's time to move on with your life.


BTW, How did she age 3 years, within the last few days?


Metric system...


Just rounding off. It makes me feel like I am protecting my provacy incase someone I know ever read this.

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Why is she hiding your relationship from her family?


She is Russian. Her family will not allow her to date a non Russian from outside the church. She claims they will beat her if they find out. yes, she is an adult and yes she knows she can live with me. Strange situation and my patience is running thin as hell.

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