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Today it's my birthday and I decided to have a fresh start


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hello dear enotaloners,


it's my birthday. I partied really nice last night. I passed my exams which I thought I totally failed and I got a yes for a new job on Friday as well. So I had to celebrate 3 things at once.


You can read my story all over enotalone forum. I was dumped by my ex last September, mom got diagnosed with cancer and so on.


I fought a lot and had so many hopes to get back with my ex but it didn't work out. I had a last cobversation with him last Friday which showed me how he's totally over me.

He was being so cold and really rude. We haven't talked for 2 months prior.


He's the reason I applied for a new job because I don't want to work with him anymore. Can't and don't want to see or hear him every day at work.


A few months ago I thought my life won't get better again. But hey I got a new job and passed my exams which I never thought would happen.


So you see life really goes on.


Honestly I don't wish my ex bad but at the same time no good. I hope he gets what he deserves. He's been really unfair the past few months. I really believe in karma. And what goes around comes around.


I hope that one day ( and I hope that day to be really soon ) I'll meet a really nice guy who deserves my love and loves me back the way I do.


I've been on the ground and slowly getting the pieces back together and my life starts to go good and slowly up.


I'm still struggling with letting go of my ex but I think it won't be long after what he said last Friday.


I want to be happy and I want everyone else to be happy!


I wish you guys luck with everything going on in your life! Just believe there will be better days for each one of us!!



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Happy Birthday and good luck, but I can't help notice most of your post is based around your ex. Do this for you, focus on you, put your energy into you!


Thank you so much!! Yes it's all about him! But not anymore. I've decided that I wanna be happy.

Since I know about my mom's cancer I realized how short and transitory life is and nothing's worth being sad and hoping for stuff which won't ever happen.


I think I'm on the best way possible. Will have a new job soon where I won't see him. I believe that everything's going to be fine


Thanks again! xo

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Happy birthday!!


Concentrate on all the happy and good things in your life right now! You have three amazing new things to celebrate.


Thank you so much!!

That's what I'm trying to do! Life is worth living!


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