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benign tumour in my brain


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The pain is still gone though i do feel something under my teeth so it's not calm. I will not take off any meds this weekend and if this goes on i might need to go up again cause the feeling is definitely increasing.....


Other feelings are also definitely increasing lol!

Nice week at work, sadly it's weekend now haha and he definitely wasn't spooked by my asking! That's for sure! Yeah...........sigh!

Huge help in new also feeling great at the moment!!!! Sadly love is no cure for TN!

Also doubt the tumor will be magically gone next week on my mri but other than that i feel great great great! Lol

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Yes i feel twitches when i try to eat at that side. But if i eat at the other side i feel nothing so i shouldn't persist in wanting to eat at both sides....oh well. As long as it remains like this i call it, "i have no pain"

But yes a clear indication not to go lower, won't do that....

But still i have knocked off 1200mg's of the gabapentin! Was at 3600 so a third of that one is off now!

And i do feel better, though that probably has a lot to do with the other stuff lol!

He makes me feel very good right now and i am thoroughly enjoying this time!

I go to work wearing make up hahaha i only do that when i have a crush on a colleague.....

I have pretty bad acne and this make up routine is actually working for that as well!

Plus finally having found the right make up for acne that actually truly covers the whole thing up is great as well!

You would never know i have acne while I'm wearing that stuff!

Of course he already knows i do since he works there for 8 years and has seen me at my most unflattering already before he caught my eye hahaha!

Hope we can set up that date soon but both of us have vacation coming up.....anyhow the anticipation is half the fun!

And yes for me, surprisingly, I'm going to Sweden lol!

Family time.....

My niece is now 5 and she knows that i don't speak Swedish so she tries her best to only speak English to me, totally adorable!

She's just the cutest thing ever!

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Well making a thread about being so happy, actually today i put my scooter on my toe, ouch! Then just now walked into my bathroom and slammed my Little finger into the door post, ouch again!

So now have probably, surely bruised my big toe and my little finger all in one day.......

So maybe not so happy today!


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I added the 300mg i took off last week again. The pain is definitely increasing so why wait?

I just hope with this one pill i can get a handle of it and i don't have to add the other 900mg as well.....

It's not excruciating yet but I'm not gonna wait for that.

Oh well......

at least i have a higher level i can go now.


In 11 days is my mri and I'm so curious!!

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Oh i also notice a definite increase of tinnitus, it's still not loud but more often.....you know when you poor a glass of coke and hear those bubbles? That's what i hear in my right ear....as long as it doesn't get louder this is no problem! But it's getting more often....probably an effect of the radiation since i have to fill out a questionnaire about tinnitus and dizzyness before and after the radiation.

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Oh i also notice a definite increase of tinnitus, it's still not loud but more often.....you know when you poor a glass of coke and hear those bubbles? That's what i hear in my right ear....as long as it doesn't get louder this is no problem! But it's getting more often....probably an effect of the radiation since i have to fill out a questionnaire about tinnitus and dizzyness before and after the radiation.


I would not wait at all. I get that in my ear as well!!! It sounds like hearing through water and then the pain is so severe and I go deaf in that ear. On medication I can hear though.


Good luck on the MRI!

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No mine is very different, has zero to do with taking or leaving my meds. That doesn't influence it at all.

It's just from the tumor's location, in the inner ear.

Mine is not related to TN i have no TN pains in my ear either. I can have the one without the other, increase in pain doesn't mean increase in tinnitus and vice versa.

It's just a side effect of the tumor and now can get worse from the radiation, so far it hasn't thank god! It's just a bit more often now.

I used to have a colleague who heard loud beeping in her ear, drove her nuts!

But i don't know why they don't examine you further to be honest because my back of the head pains are my tumor, you have pains there as well and that's not TN i think, cannot find a single thing about that being in the back of the head since the facial nerve is in the front, and now tinnitus as well, is also not really typical with TN.

It is in my case a clear symptom of the acoustic neuroma....

I think it's strange that they don't examine you further, in Holland it's even mandatory with TN to make an mri to rule my tumor thing out....

You have some symptoms that i wouldn't label classic TN combined with your terrible migraines i think they should check!

Better safe than sorry.

But maybe it's all different because you have a long history with migraines....Maybe the entire area is somehow affected but i still think they have to check it out to make sure!

You never know, i don't have any other symptoms that would have made them think tumor, in fact my neurologist examined me and did all those tests and said he didn't think anything would come from the mri since everything was fine but he had to order it.

Imagine his surprise....and mine. ...

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He's coming!

R is coming Sunday the 14th!

He's looking forward to it and I'm so excited!

And now i will be nervous as well because now he's actually coming and next week he will really be at my door and then in my house haha

God I'm so happy now!

He even said i shouldn't make a big deal with dinner because if i dread that because of the pain and meds we can just get some take out.

Gosh he so sweet and caring! Not used to this with my ex!

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Im making indonesian food, a few dishes.

It's my specialty! I showed him pics last week and he was impressed so that's why i asked him on the spot.

But now he said i shouldn't go through so much trouble, now that I'm in pain and the meds go up and maybe that's too much for me so we could just order Chinese take out.

Awww so sweet!

But no I'm cooking!

And so excited that i don't care about the pain! Haven't been in love for a while hahaha

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Oh yes it is! I'm smiling like stupid all day and in singing all day and i haven't been able to listen to music in a year, now i can't get enough, all the love songs are favorite haha

Especially accidentally in love by counting crows.

That song just makes me smile.

Well anything makes me smile right now.....

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Im in a lot of pain right now.....

Can't eat, electric shocks and when i chew it feels as if my jaw is ripped open.....

Am back on the full dosage and hope it kicks in soon!

Date next week, if kissing will happen i do want to be able to!


But even though I'm in a lot of pain i don't really care! Lol

R is very concerned hehe that helps! I wish......lol

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I made a deal with my tumor, don't cause me pain this coming week and then after the date he can do what he wants lol......since i named the tumor after my ex it should work haha.....

I am back on full meds and have added the 200mg of tegretol again that i did a while back as well.

It's getting less, i can eat if I'm careful, i feel it's still there but if i move my mouth very carefully it doesn't full blown come through.....


Am already cooking some dishes that can be made ahead and frozen.....and am already nervous now oi......long week ahead! Though he's probably nervous too.....


Was just apping my best friend's daughter and told her I'm nervous and she said there's no need cause I'm so very sweet....awww!!!!!

But yeah that's just me, nervous and overthinking everything!

Thank god for the meds cause otherwise i wouldn't sleep lol


Its my first first date in 11 years and my second first date overall so yeah I'm nervous

Plus i like him....a lot! Lol

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Haha thank you, yes i will.....It's just a little scary not having had a date in 11 years and not being too experienced in this.....

Good to see that he is excited as well.....maybe also counting the days. I know i am!


I have no experience either. I met my husband at 22 .

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Aww that's sweet!


I feel like a teenager at the moment. I wear make up to work and one guy today told me that he could see i was feeling better cause i looked better, oops! Hahaha couldn't say that it's all for love haha.

But if he notices than probably R does too lol

Was making food for next week and putting it in the freezer and labeling it, nasi goreng with R and that looked so funny and then it hit me, he is coming to my house hahaha

Yeah.....I'm so annoying when I'm in love, i even annoy myself haha

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He send me a whatsapp message early this morning saying he knows i have an mri next week but exactly what day it was again.....

Apparently he's thinking about that and me early in the morning.....think he wants to put it on his calendar to make sure he wishes me good luck, he does that with every doctor's appointment

Gosh, so sweet!!!! Sigh


I am so not used to having a man do all that stuff, my ex never did, didn't reply to texts, only texted a handful of times in the 11 years i knew him, never was this attentive and caring, probably because of his asperger's but still, he was kind of narcissistic as well, he cared pretty much only about him.

Last year when i heard about my tumor he said he would come right away cause he wanted to be there for me, he came 3 weeks later and we hadn't seen each other in 6 months since i broke up with him, he then proceeded to talk about himself for an hour, then asked about me but didn't want the details and asked if the tumor was a result of fat....................

R is the compete opposite and all this is so new to me!

I am enjoying all this so much and it actually makes me kind of emotional.....

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One more week till my date!


On a lesser note, I'm still in pain. The meds i got last week are again cheaper ones! And they don't work! I tried them first last week and more pain, then i discovered two strips of my old brand and the pain got less. Strips are gone now and pain is worse....swear words after swear words!

So calling neurologist again tomorrow to explain this yet again. And ask him to get me a prescription for that specific brand. If doctor's don't specify you get the cheapest ones there are....

God I'm so pissed over this! Playing with people's health and in my case, pain.

Have they themselves ever had TN? Sheesh!


Pain has to be gone next Sunday! Can't imagine it'll be fun for him watching me cry in pain while eating and then kissing will definitely be off the table as well.....if that will happen at all at the first date......

He's shy and so am i.....

Need to work on casually touching him by accident first!

Even that has me stressed out hahaha!

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