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benign tumour in my brain


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Day 8,

Wel so much for the rush of energy, it's gone. Boohoo! Was exhausted at work and barely made it through the day, above 30celsius temperatures will also do that to you.

That gave me problems with my head as well so i was glad when the day was over and i could put my feet up.


On the very careful plus side, usually tn is bad with this heat but it's actually almost gone which gives me so much hope for next week when the tegretol works properly again. Can't wait to reduce the gabapentin!

So that's a positive today but i sure wish the energy would have stayed.

Oh well can't have it all and choice between pain and energy is easy haha

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Pretty sure i saw my ex today, he didn't see me, was unloading some company truck from the town he lives in.....

I have him blocked on call, text and mail and he knows i never open the door if i don't know who's coming so he wouldn't just show up here. But it seemed like he was working and had to be in my town....

Hope it's one time! Don't want to run into him anymore!

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Day 9,


The energy seems to be not all lost, maybe it was just the heat yesterday so I'm curious what will happen Monday after i had a weekend's rest.

The back of my head hurt a lot today, where the tumor is.....wonder what he's doing? Fighting for survival? Cursing me for the radiation and now the dexamethasone? Lol!


Yeah i definitely feel better this week, more alive, less zombie so u wonder how that will be after the 12 days.....

Also the memory seems to improve, people noticed today at work, so can you imagine how bad it was if my Co workers notice!


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Ordered a new washing machine online to be delivered tomorrow.

Old one really wasn't good anymore, had to get the water out and unplug everything, really felt like a handyman while i was doing that haha!

Then i thought i would move it out of the closet it's in. Uh uh guess not, those things are heavy lol so the delivery guys will have to do that tomorrow. They will take the old one. So 3 stairs up with new one and down with old one, feel bad for them! I will just give them a great cup of coffee then.....

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Yes i am! I know the tumor isn't shrinking yet because that's way too soon but just a first peak, maybe see some signs of it dying, see that it has swollen up, which would explain the pain, all that will be good.

Just to know what's going on in there!

I'm almost painfree which makes me so excited for next week! Oh i so want to lessen the gabapentin, because then i still have somewhere to go if the pain starts again. That would be great!

It sounds weird that I'm this excited about decreasing meds but in my head there is a logic to it!

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No there will be no shrinkage at all the first year. I can start to hope for it next year but more likely it will be the year after.

Shrinkage takes 1.5 years to 2 years to maybe start.

Cause it's not even certain it will shrink, the goal of the radiation is to stop growth and often it also shrinks then but not always.

If on the mri it starts to have some black spots or go black then it's dying and if it's dying it hopefully can't grow anymore, that's at least my thought that last part!

So this mri,while excited i am, isn't going to tell me much yet but still.....It's the first!

Doctor did warn me that he probably has swollen from the radiation, which has to be the case since all the pain problems, and it could even be around 3cm now and not to freak out because of that.....

In January he was 2.2cm so I'm curious!

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Day 10,


Wel a Saturday so no energy needed.

Had to get up early today because of the washing machine that ended up coming at 3.30pm! Sheesh....


Made the lunch for my friend which was nice and other than that it was an uneventful day.

Almost no pain anymore! Unbelievable.....


Have to go do the dishes but I'm laying on the couch pretty much unable to move.....the day was a lot busier than i like my Saturdays to be and then the weekend goes by too fast and i don't feel rested.....

Next week plan a me only weekend.....


I have the feeling though btw that my memory is getting somewhat better and i don't have to look for words as often at the moment...nice change, hope it lasts cause it makes me feel less old!

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Ah new washing machine is so cool, makes the laundry smell so nice and so much dryer than it has been in a long time!

You don't notice that if it goes slowly but i can now definitely see the difference!

And it says how much time to go which is also a nice feature!


I want one of those. My husband is a wash machine destroyer. We have had this pair just 6 years and he has destroyed them.

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It definitely is....which makes it hard to hope or fear or pretty much do anything because it's such a lengthy process!

Plus the fact that for the rest of my life i will need a yearly mri....they already said that in the radiation hospital, for the rest of my life.....sounds quite bizarre!

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Day 11 also nothing special happened.

Curious how tomorrow will be, if there's still energy at work at the last day and then how that'll go after the 12 days are over....

I know if you take dexamethasone for longer periods, the more you take it the damaging it is but this short 12 day period was great!

People ask me to hook them up with the stuff as well haha because it does not go unnoticed how much energy i have and how i walk around at a much higher pace....


Curious what will happen once the tegretol kicks back in fully now that I'm as good as painfree without it working 100% as well.....

Curious if the memory goes out again, probably will....


But if it did half of what i hoped it will be a success!

And luckily no bad side effects.

Did have a nightmare last night but who's to say it was because of the drug....


The one bad thing i did notice however was a greater appetite so i hope that that goes after the 12 days! Really don't need that with meds that make me gain weight on their own....

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Day 11 also nothing special happened.

Curious how tomorrow will be, if there's still energy at work at the last day and then how that'll go after the 12 days are over....

I know if you take dexamethasone for longer periods, the more you take it the damaging it is but this short 12 day period was great!

People ask me to hook them up with the stuff as well haha because it does not go unnoticed how much energy i have and how i walk around at a much higher pace....


Curious what will happen once the tegretol kicks back in fully now that I'm as good as painfree without it working 100% as well.....

Curious if the memory goes out again, probably will....


But if it did half of what i hoped it will be a success!

And luckily no bad side effects.

Did have a nightmare last night but who's to say it was because of the drug....


The one bad thing i did notice however was a greater appetite so i hope that that goes after the 12 days! Really don't need that with meds that make me gain weight on their own....

Does that mean you can start weaning off medication now Sara?

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