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I need opinions. please

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I went on a date with a girl that I've been well crazy about for a while, shes the first girl I've really ever actually pursued because quite frankly I've given up on relationships. They never tend to end well. Ever since I gave her my number we've been talking non stop, because theirs without a doubt a strong chemistry between us. We were originally just going to get breakfast but the previous day she came up to me and asked if we can go to the zoo instead, of course I said yes and I've never seen someones face brighten up so much. We showed up before the place opened and we sat in the car just talking for the hour until it opened and when it did, we continued talking about likes dislikes asking each other questions, we even made a game out of it whoever spotted the animal first had to ask a question, as cheesy as it sounds. we laughed the entire time and she even told me it was defiantly the biggest highlight of her day. Even on our car ride back we kept talking about everything, I don't think their was a single moment we weren't talking. Its been like this for a week and a half now too and were still going. And also on the ride back she said her hands are cold and well.. at first it was just this awkward hand rub (Please don't ask) which lead to her reaching her fingers around mine and grabbing onto my hand.


And I asked her if there's going to be a second date, and she laughed and said "You can't ask me in the same day, but if you ask me tomorrow or something it'll be a yes."


But, then she told me she doesn't want to get my hopes up because of the situation she just got out of. She just got out of an abusive relationship and... I understand where shes coming from too, my last relationship was just as bad as her and I know the fear shes feeling from it considering you know were both strangers still but shes taken a step towards me by saying yes to the date to begin with, but I guess part of me just worries that it wont happen. I'm torn between excitement and fear because its literally been years that I've ever been so attracted to somebody. I guess I'm just worried I'll mess it up, but when she talks to me she just seems so into me and then I'm reminded every once in a while.


I know the world doesn't always work in a favorable way,

but for one time I just want something to work for me, And I guess I just want to see if someone thinks its favorable to me with my brief story or some sort of opinion about it, because I'm honestly freaking out.

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To get things clear with her, the next time you're together, have a discussion about dating goals. Tell her what yours are and ask her what hers are. If you two don't match, then I would bail. Explain to her that you really like her and wish she was on the same page, but since she's not, you'll have to move on. Don't give up on relationships. It takes many of us a lot of failed ones to finally find the one. And if you keep on choosing the same type of woman over and over with bad results, you may want to reconsider and give other types of women a chance.

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