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Is this impossible?


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I have 2 kids, 4 and 9 months, and have been split from their father for about a year. I'm beginning to think I'll never be in a relationship again. And part of me isn't even sure that it want to be. I'm finding it impossible to find a man that wants a woman with 2 young children, actually I'm finding it impossible to meet anyone at all. And the one guy that I do know and could see a future with, is in a relationship, so of course I'm not even coming out with how I feel there. And when I have talked to a couple guys, I get a little awkward once it starts to turn into "dating." So maybe it's my fault. I find that I won't want to go out with anyone, I don't want to start something new. The idea of it is nice and I want it when I'm here alone, but as soon as it becomes a possibility, I make every excuse and want nothig to do with it, and I don't know why. Part of me is lonely and wants a relationship and part of me is enjoying not having anyone to answer to and doesn't want to date ever again. I'm sure I sound crazy. Help me?

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Finding a relationship with two young children is not impossible. My mom remarried when my brother was 2 and I was six. She was the sole custodial and legal parent.


Thing is you have to take time to recover from your last relationship and you have to be ready to date and ready to find a relationship if you're not ready don't rush.

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No, you don't sound crazy.


I thought the exact same way. Didn't really consider too much whether a man would want the package deal of my son and myself, because I am certain there would be someone I choose, who would love us both.


You sound like you're simply NOT ready to date right now. I encourage you to explore your loneliness from a different angle, from one that's end focus isn't on a partner alleviating that feeling for you. Maybe you've still got some hurts swirling around from your ex, some that need mending.

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I don't really have any feelings left over for my ex. Were actually pretty good friends at this point, and I'm much happier now than I ever was in the relationship. I've found that I really enjoy being alone most of the time. On the days my kids are with their dad, I've been able to grow closer to my friends and family and develop strong relationships. I enjoy going out with my friends or just having alone time to take a long shower or watch tv or read a book and not feel that that time is obligated to anyone else. And when I have my kids, which is 4 days a week, I've been able to grow closer to them and appreciate my time with them much more. But when I lay down at night, I can't help but wish there was someone with me. And these types of conversations, it'd be nice to have someone to talk to about in person, not online. Someone to share my happiness with. And I think a large part of what's clouding everything up for me is the guy I mentioned in my first post.

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It's the `lonely' voice in you talking. And yes, raising small children, single no less has to feel profoundly lonely at times. . because it is.

But this isn't forever and I agree with your accounting that dating at this time is challenging at best. But they aren't going to be little forever.

You are conflicted because when you do think of dating you realize there isn't enough of you to go around right now.

Dedicate this time to them. You'll never get it back and it flies by. .Take it from me.

Consider your children's ages you must be young yourself.

You won't always feel this way and NO you don't sound crazy.

Perk yourself up . .this isn't all bad. .You are young and there is plenty of time for you and dating just around the corner

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That guy is a fantasy. He isn't available, so lying in bed thinking about him is rather harmful to your reality.


There's a much deeper story involved there, and although I'd never step in on his relationship or try to pursue anything at all with him while he's involved with someone else, there's much more history than me just "having a crush."

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There's a much deeper story involved there, and although I'd never step in on his relationship or try to pursue anything at all with him while he's involved with someone else, there's much more history than me just "having a crush."


It's really safe to have crushes on unavailable people. .especially when you are unavailable yourself.

It makes total sense

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It's really safe to have crushes on unavailable people. .especially when you are unavailable yourself.

It makes total sense


I'm saying that it's much more than that. Without going into detail, we have a history together, from before he was in a relationship, that's never really gone away.

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I'm saying that it's much more than that. Without going into detail, we have a history together, from before he was in a relationship, that's never really gone away.


It has gone away...for him. He's with someone else.

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Dedicate this time to them. You'll never get it back and it flies by. .You are young and there is plenty of time for you and dating just around the corner


100% yes. They need you more than any guy right now. They come first. You will have plenty of time to date as they get a bit older.

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It's much more complicated than that. Basically it's always just been bad timing for one of us and so it never worked.


It's not complicated. He's with someone else.


Maybe its not the best to hang on to the past, move forward & find someone available.

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