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The Flesh Trade: Knowledge and Opinions

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This is a topic that I only became fully aware of, about two years ago. I've been curious to know how many people are familiar with this world-wide tragedy, and also as to the extent of your knowledge.


After reading The Natashas by Victor Malarek, my eyes were open for the first time about the increasingly immoral act – known as "the flesh trade" or "white slavery" - that seemed to be rather "hush hush" in comparison to other global issues such as religion, politics, money, and of course, ever-ubiquitous middle-eastern issues.


I just wanted to quote a short section of The Natashas, to possibly get some feedback, or even some personal experience/ stories that some of you might have with this:




(Victor Malarek, The Natashas, pages 3-4)


Malarek states that he spent a total of over 2 years documenting and researching 'the flesh trade'. His findings were astounding, and extremely shameful.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with what "the flesh trade" IS exactly, here is a basic explanation:


Most of us are more than familiar with the fact that Eastern Europe is poverty-stricken in widespread areas. Families frequently struggle to survive on little or no income as a result of inflation, weakness of the state, and lack of employment.


"Natashas" are described as young girls and women, mostly in the 13-24 age demographic and originating from European bloc countries. Young girls, who are lured away from their homes by newspaper ads guaranteeing nanny positions in Italy, modelling careers in the United States, waitresses in France, etc., only to be kidnapped by immoral men who sell them to foreign pimps and force them into prostitution. They are told that they have to pay off "a debt" of $60,000 (or what they are told was the cost to purchase them in the first place). They are threatened that if they try to leave, that their families will be tracked down and killed. If they are caught trying to notify the authorities or to escape, they have been known to be thrown out of windows, shot, beaten, and raped.


In the book, Malarek provides links to forums that are home to miliions of men who seem to LIVE to travel and find these women. If anyone is interested in viewing these websites, please PM me and I will provide you with all the links (not appropriate here). Sex travel is huge right now -- but I don't think that enough people are aware of what they might be supporting.


This is a serious thing to me. I have been struggling to find ways to help these girls ever since I was aware of what's going on. You do not hear about this issue often enough, and governments are doing nothing to stop it. Most European governments are corrupt and overly-conservative about prostitution. I'd really like to hear some other peoples' thoughts on this.

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Wow I never knew of this until to day and I have to say from my point of view that is just obsurd,I cannot believe they do that to innocent women that is just very crule and disgusting,I never knew that people could be so ignorant,I wonder why I have never heard of this before but do have to say that mabe it's kind of better I didn't ,I can understand why you would want to help them out because that is just I cant even explain myself ugh,Why do they allow those men to do that?I dont get it!Thanks for posting because when I was reading it got me interested in to what you were trying to explain and I feel that someone out there does need to look into this to find ways to help,I might have to pick up that book

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I know what you mean by "I wish I didn't know", but at the same time, I feel like I am abandoning my responsibilities as a rational and sensitive human being if I don't say anything.


You're right, it is sick. You can probably see now why I have been struggling with this issue for so long. It's hard to believe that this exists, but it does. And the even harder thing to accept is that the only people who can make a difference are the governments.


The USA has actually done quite a bit to help, moreso than any other country.


Oh and by the way - you probably wouldn't have to pick up the book. There should be a lot of online information. I would still read the book if I were you, since it's practical experience from one man.

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Intersting topic.


Until I came here, this issue was not so "in my face" I guess you could say. I am horrified by the amount of foreign prostitutes here in Japan, and I'm sure that some of them were forced into this. This seems to be a problem in Russia as well. Sadly, some of us get accused of being "Russian prostitutes" when we are not even from Russia. I feel horrible for these women, because I do not know which of them chose this, and which did not.


It has certainly opened my eyes, and I know this is not the only country in the world that has enslaved foreign prostitutes working in it. I say slaved because that's what they are. When you aren't here on a visa, you don't speak the language, and you have no idea how to get help, what else can you do?

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sadly there is a lot of evil in the world and this is just one more example. although i agree something should be done about it, it is still a lot easier said then done. its seems we have to pick and choose our fights based on whats more important and whoever makes these decisions has decided to not give this as much attention as it probably deserves. this is nothing new though, ive heard all kinds of stuff like this for years on different tv programs, books, etc. prostitution leads to bad situations and thats why it is/should be illegal. its really disgusting that people get away with this and perhaps there should be much stronger punishments for anyone found involved. as far as im concerned, they are rapists...and as far as im concerned, they dont deserve to live for that.

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I recently watched a documentry on the sex trade in Cambodia. Apparently child prostitution is huge there and the camera man went under cover to see what he could find out. I was shocked to see these poor innocent children happily selling themselves.


Have you also heard about the orphans of the tusnami who are being picked up by "pimps" and sold off to other countries?


What can we do to help?

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This happens all over the world. But in some ways, it is even done without moving women to other countries. In the U.S., pimps have often gotten women, usually young, sometimes runaways, etc., by getting them addicted to drugs. Get your hands on her, act like you will protect her, get her using drugs, get her addicted, rape her, then pimp her out with you own efforts, then make her find her own tricks and give you the money. It happens with young women in the U.S. See: link removed


This is one of better arguments, I think, for legalized prostitution. It's the so-called world's oldest profession. It's in every country and really is impossible to stop. If you make it legal and regualte it, requiring the use of condoms, medical exams and licensing, then the services of the unlicensed woman forced into protitution as a slave becomes less attractive. Ideal solution? No way, but I don't think there is one. It at least gives you some control over some women who are engaged in it. Governments can protect them.


Children? Cannot legalize that.

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Ive known about this for a long long time but everyone i ever told didnt really know about it but what is written is no where near as bad as it is...... Corrupt government officials, police you name all involved in this with girls as young as 13 i mean only 13 are being forced to be sex slaves for people and the worst thing is no one really knows what the future holds for them...... The last case i herd about was a Russian gangsters with the help of corrupt government officials who fraudently managaed to get a number of girls into france and sold into brothels......i think its a absolutly a disgrace and that the government should be doing alot more to stop this kind of stuff but there all proberly involved anyway...... Just spread the word and be aware of that stuff like this still goes on in the world......

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I too, have heard about the flesh trade. I find it degrading, demoralizing, and just downright disgusting. The idea of being one of these women, forced into being raped day in and day out, absalutely brings tears to my eyes. But as you pointed out, especially in Europe, prostitution is not viewed the same way it is here. It's pretty much an accepted profession. (As sad as may be).


It's very difficult to think of ways to help these women, many of them wouldn't take help even if offered because the threat to their families is very real. I think the best help would be to find the pimps and leaders of these prostitution rings and put them away. Then relocate the families of these girls. Just helping the girls isn't really an option as their families would be in jeopardy.


It's a catch 22. I would love to be able to help these women, but at the same time, I would be worried about the retaliation that could be swiftly acted out on their families.


It isn't fun at all to feel so helpless

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stricter punishments for offenders to start with. personally as ive said, these sick people dont deserve to be a part of society.


ive never really liked the whole argument of "cruel and unusual punishment." think we need more of that if anything. serious criminals arent afraid of prison...but i'd bet they would be afraid of being castrated. think about it..which would you rather have? id rather go to jail for a while.

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The corrupt officials don't create the demand for illegal prostitution, the johns looking to get laid create the demand.


Want to lessen that demand, creating a legalized outlet and attacking those who use the illegal outlets will help.


This won't address those who wants children. I don't have any suggestions on how to do that.

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Yes it actually it is the corrupt government officials maybe not so much in europe but i mean in asia though thats were alot of these girls are coming from and the government doesnt do anything to stop it.......But stopping the demand how do you expect to do that? I only see legalising prostitution but im not sure that would compleltly work.

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Yes the flesh-trade has been around quite some time, and it really gets bad when you get serious in the study of it when they go into homes and take away the 8-12 year old girls and degrade them into posing acts they dont even understand but are told if they dont there families with be disgraced or that they will never see them again.


Someone mentioned.. the only the way to stop this is eliminate the demand. Good Luck. I know that is a sarcastic answer, but as long as man exists and has testosterone running through his veins like blood the demand will be there. Regretfully, the internet has brought out every known pervert known to man and unless the pervert is stupid enough to use a credit card he can lurk in the darkness of the night and create the demand that generates this filth.


Don't get me wrong I like to look at the female body like the next normal red-blooded American male, but not unde those curcumstances. The internet has created demand beyond was standard mail could never generate for fear of being caught. SO now we deal with teens and pre-teens being lured and trapped into a 'profession' they will never escape. Even if they physically escape the mental damage will have been done. There life will never be the same, how could it.


And by the way, dont just jump on the flesh trade abroad, what about the momma's and daddy's that allow their daughter to 'model" for these NON-NUDE sites that might as well be porn. To me, that is just as bad when you train your 12-13 year old daughter to look like, bend like, act like, and model like a prostititute. I mean... maybe it technically aint illegal but it is just as bad. Your selling yourself off........


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Just my thoughts............ All long as there are 'big bucks' involved it will exist in some form.

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Thanks for all of your responses everyone!


Actually, in The Natashas, there a man mentioned named David Lamb (a former Philadelphia police officer) who was really involved at one point in 2001, in investigations into illegal prostitution taking place in Bosnia. This guy went through HELL - he was threatened by Romanian government officials, and even discoverd that 5 UN police officers were directly linked to the trafficking of women and children. He dealt with the UN cutting off support due to his allegations, and was continuously stonewalled by the government.


Basically, the people who could do something about it, weren't listening and didn't want to listen.


There is obviously no way to cut off the demand. I think it was Hockeyboy who suggested "more severe punishments", but things never get that far. Either the girls who end up being freed are too scared to testify out of fear of what will happen to them when they are deported back to their home country, or the trail never gets that far because of "government interference".


Most of these girls' lives are ruined the minute that they set off in search of a "better life". They leave their homes with high hopes and good attitudes, only to walk into a fate that will never heal. Even if these girls do get out and try to live normal lives, they can never be what they once were. They are literally broken human beings, and most of them live the rest of their lives depressed and suicidal.


In one part of the book, Malarek interviewed a girl who used to be involved in trafficking. She told him that at first, she thought she was going to be working as a maid in Greece. She was taken to an apartment where there were about 15-20 other girls. Supposedly in cases like this, there is always one girl who will strongly resist and try to escape. Evidently the one who tried in this case was "made an example of" by having three men sodomize her in front of the rest of the girls. This makes me wonder how the men in these situations were brought up, I really wonder. Only a total psychopath could do something like that.

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if you want to do something about it badly..start some sort of an organization that will make this kind of stuff more well known.. complain to your politicians that you want something done and grab attention to it. politicians for the most part will help but only if they are going to be recognized for it.


its a lot of work but you have to start somewhere. there are probably already things like this.

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I hate the idea of taking the law into your own hands, but in this particular situation, I think it would be the only thing that works. I think there are probably enough pissed off people out there (about the injustice of the flesh trade) that they would be willing to start up their own "organization". It would be more difficult for these pimps and ring leaders to threaten retaliation if they knew that if they did, the girl is under the protection of an organization who would turn their own tactics back on them.


I probably wouldn't mind picking off a few of those people myself.


Im not a psycho or anything, Im just rolling these things around in my head. As bad as the mafia and gangs are, fear motivates people. They've been doing it for a long time. That's what's enabling them, but what if they had another group who was opposed to this? Pitting evil against evil I suppose. I don't know, just a thought. I hate to think that there's nothing that can be done.

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Its hard to believe that slavery exists even today, but we must remember that human beings are savage and evil when they are not controlled by laws. It is only the rule of law and justice that makes us civil. Evil doesn't go away...it just gets repackaged in another form.


For the clients who go to these sex slaves, I just can't imagine what they are thinking. Maybe they are not thinking....I don't know.....


I also can't imagine why anyone would sell themselves sexually for money. I understand that they are poor, but there are other ways to make money...why do people choose this destructive path...


I believe that there needs to be stronger laws to punish this senseless barbarian behaviour. NO civilized nation should take sexual abuse of any kind lightly. It must be punished.

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