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Hey, on this thread, I want no comments about my age, ok. point blank, do girls masturbate? By girls i mean 18-. I only want to know because it seems that men see the world in more sexual terms than women, and at school, whenever the guys talk about porn or whatnot, the girls seem to disapprove. I only know one girl who masturbates, so i guess my question is, "When do girls start to thiink about sex as much as boys do?"

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I didn't really start thinking about sex until I was about 17. I didn't seriously start thinking about actually having sex until I was 18. I didn't masturbate until I was a lot older than that. I was not interested in porn until I was about 18 or 19. However, I do think I was a bit of a late bloomer in that department, a few of my friends were already thinking about sex by 16.

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I frankly don't care too much for porn. I dunno why, I just don't. But just to be sure dude, you might not want to sell and bring porn to school. Some girls can actually get highly offended and get you into some serious trouble. Plus girls at that age are very impressionable, and they will think that is what all guys do.


As for the masturbating thing, it differs from individual to indivdual I believe. But from what I hear from these people, most start getting "sexually active" about 15 or so, boys AND girls.


FYI (if anyone cares) I started thinking about sex I say around 16 or 17 but I never really wanted to engage in it until I was around a "safe" age (18 or so). It was my own brain, no one influenced that upon me. Didn't have sex until about 5 days before my 20th birthday, and it was with someone I deeply cared about. She was the first and probably LAST person I'll have sex with....but that's a different topic. My bad.

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yeah, but you're 19, i'm in the 8th grade. I have a reputation as the "foreign porn boy" at my school, because i openly bring it to school and sell it


I don't think this is fair, that you are exposing other peoples' children to smut. If I knew that you were selling porn to my 13 year old, I would be very upset, and definitely take the matter to the principal.


I know that kids end up getting into things like this eventually, but why help it? Why shouldn't we help kids STAY KIDS for as long as possible? Exposing them to material like this creates questions and complications in their lives that I don't feel they need just yet. I mean my GOD, you're still going through puberty!


You said "don't mention my age", but sorry, this is an open forum. I just think that there is something twisted about kids who aren't even fully developed yet from childhood being exposed to explicit matter at school. If you get caught, they will probably kick you out of that school.

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In my first reply, I didn't want to say anything about your age either, but it really is inappropriate to bring pornographic material to sell at school. I'm not sure where you live now, but if it is in the U.S., you could get yourself in some serious trouble if someone decides to tell a teacher or another adult that you are bringing it there.


I know the cultural norms are probably different where you are from, but you do need to try and be accepting of the culture of the country you are currently in. You are really bringing that reputation upon yourself.

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Females under 18 do masterbate I cant give you an exact percentage but they do and they probably wont talk about doing it. I have seen studies where females actually think more about sex than men. Now that means think about sex that has nothing to do with wanting sex. Im not too sure about girls in the age group that you are talking about but it seems that most girls have to become more comfortable with their sexuality and that typically happens when they are older. Most females seem to be most comfortable talking about sex with groups of other females where they can be themselves. I will give you an example in the general case after a woman has slept with a guy for the first time atleast one of her friends will ask how big his penis was, as well as other detail oriented questions. However you dont normally see this kind of behavior from females out in the open but that doesnt mean its not there. Just reazlie what is on the surface isnt always true and you will be fine.

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Honestly, judging from your age, your posts, and the fact that you are selling porn at school, I think that you are thinking to much about sex. You don't need to be exposing yourself to those kinds of situations and ideas. I understand that you are curious, have hormones, and like it. But don't be in such a hurry to grow up. Plenty of people have posted on here about how they wish they had waited longer before getting sexually involved. There are plenty of negative consequences that could result, the least of which is you getting in trouble for bringing porn to school. And, at the very least, if you still want to go ahead with this stuff, don't be selling porn to others and profitting off of it. You may have a future in business, but you have a lot to learn about what sex is really all about.

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