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One Night Stands - a male's opinion


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For the guys out there, if you had sex with a girl the first night you met her, do you consider the possibility that she could be someone you could date OR does the fact that she gave it up so easily sway you to think otherwise (like, oh, shes a tramp. no future there).


But what if she had a fun smart personality? Would you contact your one night stand afterwards if she was a cool person and you have fun with her?

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im not a dude, but i would deff. have to say, 'cause all my old friends were guys, that if you lay them the first night then that was possibly all they were looking for, it makes you look cheap, they will have no respect for you, and yeah maybe if they wanna get layed again they'll call you, but you won't look like girlfriend material.

thats just coming from being around A LOT of guys and hearing what they have to say about it, so in a way it was a guy/girls opinion.

good luck, Qtpie87

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Dude it all depends on the situation, how it led to the one night stand ya know?


Like if she was totally wasted and coming on to you strong then most likley you would lay and stray


But if you were having a good time togeather talking, laughing getting to know eachother and you both just clicked and made love then ya theres obviously potential.


Also I probably take it your fairly young so you have that certain one night stand image in your head. Like the ones you see on tv and movies.

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Other than agreeing with what Nexus said, I would have to say that if I did have a ONS with a chick that I'd probably not want to have anything serious. Granted it could be like what Blayzed said -- we both just clicked. However, if someone has sex the first night with someone then they might be more likely to do that with someone else later -- aka cheating. I'd never date a girl that could get sloshed and give it up that night. Who's to say she wouldn't do that again to me? Same goes for the guys too -- we can be just as bad if we want to have random sex.

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First of all the definition of one night stand actually means that you have limited if any contact with the person you slept with. What you simply had was sex on the first outting/date. There are too many variables out there to say that their to give a definative answer for your question. If you are interested in the girl then you should pursue that interest. At the same time you also have to realize that she may just have wanted that one night. All you can do at this point is play it by ear and see and look how she reacts to you. If she reacts positively or negatively you just go from there.

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