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I read a text I shouldnt have from my GF phone - she had texted her ex saying that she loves him very much and just wanted closure -if thye could meet for coffee - I shouldnt have read but it was actually by accident I did - (we have access to each others cells all the time if we wanted to) I confronted her about it but didnt say what my source was - she denied it and went on the offensive about some bull - I wish I never saw it, but I cant ignore it either - if I confront about how I got info then I look bad, which I'm not - bad deliema - Thanks for any suggestions - Hurt.Angry, sad

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I think it's time to end things with her. If you don't trust her (which you don't- you were reading her texts) AND she's clearly not over her ex...there's not really much here that can be salvaged.


Either you guys have been together a super long time and can talk through this (but then...she's still hung up on her ex, your relationship is a lie) or you guys are newer to dating each other and don't have the history together to work through this.


I mean, what can she say that will make it alright? That will make you trust her again?

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