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It's been 56 days now, with NC. I feel proud of myself. Is it sad I feel proud of this? Idk for someone with low self esteem and low self confidence it feels like an accomplishment for me. Thank you guys for your opinions and helpful comments through these past few weeks; they have honestly helped me to move on and let things go. Life is too short to dwell on the past for anything we can't change.

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Actually, I do know what you mean. In fact, when I look back on my life, the times when I had to do NC were some of the most memorable and weirdly satisfying.


Probably because I was doing all kinds of activities and adventures to take my mind off the reason for my NC. Plus you accomplish something by essentially doing nothing. (or doing the opposite to what your mind and body is telling your to do - which is continued begging/pleading and self pity)


Ok, that was weird...but true.


I like your title - it is a "zone" really

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It's been 56 days now, with NC. I feel proud of myself. Is it sad I feel proud of this? ...Thank you guys for your opinions and helpful comments through these past few weeks; they have honestly helped me to move on and let things go. Life is too short to dwell on the past for anything we can't change.


You said low self esteem, but based on this post you sound plenty confident, expressing confidence and self worth.

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Thank you guys But I do often ask myself if one day I should contact him. Just to ask him how he's doing. I know he probably won't reply for numerous reasons. Changed his number, blocked and/or deleted me, wants nothing to do with me, has a new girlfriend which he probably does already, etc. Or wondering why I haven't moved on. Thing is though I would have moved on...and I won't feel so upset contacting him. Even if he doesn't reply it still will help me feel proud. He truly did hurt me but should I break the ice one day in the future and just contact him?

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Thank you guys But I do often ask myself if one day I should contact him. Just to ask him how he's doing. I know he probably won't reply for numerous reasons. Changed his number, blocked and/or deleted me, wants nothing to do with me, has a new girlfriend which he probably does already, etc. Or wondering why I haven't moved on. Thing is though I would have moved on...and I won't feel so upset contacting him. Even if he doesn't reply it still will help me feel proud. He truly did hurt me but should I break the ice one day in the future and just contact him?


I think you know the answer, and what you would say to someone else with the same question. At 57 days it's time to stop focusing on numbers and counting, you can look forward now.

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I think you know the answer, and what you would say to someone else with the same question. At 57 days it's time to stop focusing on numbers and counting, you can look forward now.


agreed. I think once you make it past the 30 day mark, there's no need to keep counting.

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