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Loneliness and resentment at an all time high


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Every since my break up last Sunday Ive been feeling a roller coaster of emotions. Still having a hard time grasping how someone I thought who cared so much and told me they would never leave me could do this. When you talk to someone everyday for months it also feels so lonely when that stops. Even though I made the decision to no longer speak to him because I know I would never move on if I did. Some days I don't even want to go to work. Waking up in the morning is also hard cause it feels like my heart is breaking all over again. I even deleted my social networking apps so I won't be tempted to go look at his page and possibly see things that would hurt me. I'm just so angry at him for doing this to me. I for sure don't want to ever get too close to a guy ever again.

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Let me assure you this is a natural stage and these feelings are normal. The pain is your brain learning to start new thought patterns. This won't be an easy time for you, but it's like clibing a mountain. When you start up it, it seems almost pointless and extremely painful. Then you body starts to adjust and you eventually look back and find moments where you are proud of your progress, but you also find times where you hate going through this. Keep climbing, because each step the top gets closer. Try to continue to resist looking back and your body will eventually contiue forward naturally. This is a very painful time for you, but trust in the fact that, in time, you WILL see this in a different light, understand it, and be glad this problem is now out of your life.

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You are mourning the loss of something. Its natural progression and c'mon, yes you will date again.. its hard to imagine you at 60 thinking.. I went 40years without a single date? WTH!!?? LOL.. we all say what you have said.. but yeah, you will date.. just accept that you and this person were simply not meant to be thats all, no blame, fault or reason, just wasnt in the cards.

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I so relate to what you are going through. The questions...how could they do this after all that was said? All the amazing times that you had together. Will I ever be happy or able to love again? Rejection hurts like crazy! I'm in the extremely angry stage but I was doing really okay for quite awhile. Sometimes one step forward two back but in reality you are making progress. Here's a tip I leaned. Try taking Tylenol when you're in a lot of pain. Sounds crazy but apparently the same part of your brain gets activated from getting physically burned or hit really hard as it does for heartbreak. It actually got me through some of my harder days. Venting is great too. This site helped me a lot.

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I was at your spot almost 3 months ago and all your feelings are normal. As someone who never thought theyd make it even a week without their ex, please know it gets better

Have faith. Have hope. and def go NC. It hurts like hell but once u hit 30 days its so empowering and gets better.

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I was at your spot almost 3 months ago and all your feelings are normal. As someone who never thought theyd make it even a week without their ex, please know it gets better

Have faith. Have hope. and def go NC. It hurts like hell but once u hit 30 days its so empowering and gets better.


It's best not to put a number on things I think. I'm at 90 days and I still love and think about my ex the same as I always have.

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