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Offer letter signed, Start date set, no response on background checks

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Wow, its been a long time since I have been on these forums..



Today makes it about a week since I last heard back from HR on my background checks (criminal, credit, and drug screen) and im starting to get anxious. I was given a start date of Feb. 16th, and the last email I had received from HR was a customary email letting me know that they had started the background checks, back on Feb. 4th, and that they would be in contact with me. The day before that on Feb. 3rd, I had replied to them with my signed offer letter, as well as the signed documents for the background checks. From what I understand, these are to be the usual standard criminal / credit / drug screen.


Since then, there has been no other contact.


Some history:

The company I am hoping to start with is the company that I worked at previously. I was hired as an Tier 2 Computer Support Technician (contract thru staffing agency) back in July of 2011. Since then, I had been promoted to a Lead Technician in August 2012, and then in December 2012, I was extremely lucky to be promoted into Software Development until they closed my contract at the end of January 2015. During this entire time, I was still on contract with the staffing agency, though each promotion came with increased hourly pay.


The Software Development position, I consider very fortunate, as I do not have a BS degree (still need about 2 years worth of college credit to finish) and by chance, it landed in my lap. Long story short, I was sent to a client's site when I was still a Support tech and during travel I ended up sitting next to the Lead Developer / Project Manager. During small talk he found out that my hobby and future career goals were in programming, etc. Didnt think anything about it at the time, as it was small talk, but later on, I found out that talk was the reason he had considered me for the software development position.


Anyway, due to one of our major clients cancelling a major project, word came down from the top that they needed to release all contract employees by the end of Jan. 2015. Before that, my boss, the lead developer, had been trying to get me hired on full time for many months, though unfortunately no open spots prevented him.


But, due to his recommendation, as well as his boss's recommendation, and due to the high praise they had for me for when I was on his team, during my last week, they secured me an interview into another software development team (completely separate departments) that had several open positions.


Some other history:

Back in 2003 I made a stupid decision and decided to steal several computer equipment. In 2005 I was arrested for it, and due to the value of the equipment, I was charged with Felony Theft. Since I was a first time offender, I was placed on deferred adjudication in May of 2006 for 4 years. In May of 2010, I had successfully completed it, and the case was dismissed (no conviction), but the arrest and the disposition of the case still remains in public records.


For a long time, I would get denied jobs and apartment rentals due to this popping up, up until around 2011, when I got hired for the current company as a contractor. At the time, I had told the staffing agency about my background, but he still recommended me to the company and I was thus hired. A background check was conducted even then, and I didnt know until much later that when he ran it, nothing negative came back. When I moved from my parents home to an apartment, they did a background check on me, and apparently they didn't find anything negative either.



At this moment, im still worried that something may come up in the background checks. During this past week, I pulled my own public criminal records from the county, and the arrest / deferred is still on there from 2005 / 2006. I get conflicting information from several people stating that most BGs only go back 7 years and some go forever.


As well, HR mentioned too that while they wont look at my credit score, they do look at collections / bankrupties / etc. and I have several medical bills in collections as well as a civil judgement from 2003 in my credit report. I also ran my own credit report though, and only the medical collections are showing. My recent credit is all in good standing though, with a paid off car loan, and 2 credit cards currently in good standing / no missed payments. One of them is at 92% limit, the other at 43% limit.


The drug test im not worrying about, since I dont do drugs, though I do smoke an e-cig with nicotene.


So what is everyone's thoughts? Should I prepare myself for them to rescind the offer? Im worried that its taking them so long to get back to me..

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Check your mail...if they rescind, they will most likely send you a letter.


Also, do you live in the US? February 16th is a national holiday... President's Day...so it would be odd to give you that date as a start date...unless of course you don't live/work in the US.


If no letter...you can always follow up with them too...via email or phone call.

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Check your mail...if they rescind, they will most likely send you a letter.


Also, do you live in the US? February 26th is a national holiday... President's Day...so it woukd be odd to give you that date as a start date...unless of course you don't live/work in the US.

Not every company gets every national holiday off. I don't.


But to the OP, I see how slow HR can operate at my company and my wife's as well. There may be nothing to worry about. But, frankly, there is nothing to worry about because whatever happens will happen anyway. I wish you luck. It sucks that a bad decision (or a few) from a decade ago can still bite you in the butt. In the states, you can have your record expunged. I would suggest looking into that regardless of what happens here.


You may still wish to call them tomorrow, play it cool, and just say you were just following up, etc. etc.

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mhowe, actually, I am preparing myself for the worst =/


I have researched my state and federal laws and regulations, specifically the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and there are regulations there regarding background checks, but only if they are done by a 3rd party company. These regulations do not apply if the company itself is doing the background check by itself.


One of the regulations mentioned is in regards to criminal background checks, in that 3rd party companies that run the checks can not report anything that is over 7 years old (such as arrests, etc.). The only exception are convictions, which can be reported regardless of age.


Deferred Adjudication would technically not be a conviction, and since my county record shows a date of May 2006, this would be outside the 7 year reporting date, but I am not too sure that counts. Almost everyone else counts it as equal to a conviction these days. Its also odd why I would have now passed 2 criminal background checks (When i got hired in 2011, and when I got my apartment in 2013). The staffing agency actually showed me the report he had pulled on me back in 2011, and there was nothing in there... not even the arrest! As well, he told me too that deferred adjudication records have shown up on other hires. He thinks that since mine at the time was approaching 5-6 years old, and was already completed by that time, maybe the 3rd party agency they used just didnt bother forward it =/

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Not every company gets every national holiday off. I don't.


But to the OP, I see how slow HR can operate at my company and my wife's as well. There may be nothing to worry about. But, frankly, there is nothing to worry about because whatever happens will happen anyway. I wish you luck. It sucks that a bad decision (or a few) from a decade ago can still bite you in the butt. In the states, you can have your record expunged. I would suggest looking into that regardless of what happens here.


You may still wish to call them tomorrow, play it cool, and just say you were just following up, etc. etc.


You are right but national holidays are determined/controlled by the government...and under federal law if an employee is required to work on a national holiday, she/he is entitled to "holiday pay."


Strange that a company would have you start on a holiday. Contact them to clarify... I would!

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You are right but national holidays are determined/controlled by the government...and under federal law if an employee is required to work on a national holiday, she/he is entitled to "holiday pay."


Strange that a company would have you start on a holiday. Contact them to clarify... I would!


I think the start date is the least of his worries!!

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You are right relevant,


Regardless on what I worry about, whatever happens happens anyway.


But that is a good idea about calling them tomorrow and nicely ask for a status.


And I dont mind taking responsibility for the stupid STUPID decision I made in my past. I fully have accepted that this is how it is nowadays. I just wish that I could be given a 2nd chance is all. I am not trying to justify what I did, I just pray that people will see that I have learned my lesson, and since then, I have done my best to repair that mistake.


Edit: I dont fault companies for turning me away in regards to my record, btw. Its not their fault, it was my mistake and I have to live with that

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In the uk ...offences are spent and this could be spent in months or in years depending on the severity of the crime . Up until that point you are required to reveal all on the application form ..however The Rehabilition of Offenders act of 1977 ( I think that's the date) states that after this time you are not required to admit to anything ....


However ..application forms in the uk now ask for you to reveal "spent" offences .. yet the act says you don't have to .


should a check be done ater your offence is spent nothing "should " come up , however for posititions in social health , Police and the likes it will always come up ..


quite honestly , it is never spent I believe and can always be pulled up from somewhere regardless of it is spent or not .


Not much help if your not in the uk though .

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Unfortunately, there wasn't any application per se, as this was setup when I was still finishing up my last week as a contractor. The interview itself was setup internally between the Lead Developer / my old boss, and the other Lead Developer of the other department.


Also, my old boss knew about my background. I had come forward to him several months after I had started with him back in early 2013, when he was talking about getting me hired on his team permanently. I felt that he needed to know then, and he was fine with it since I came forward to him, but I never divulged it in the interview to the other Lead Developer or to HR, which now in hindsight I probably should have mentioned in during the interview.


EDIT: FYI, for everyone replying, I am in Texas, USA in regards to where I live / am applying for

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Unfortunately, there wasn't any application per se, as this was setup when I was still finishing up my last week as a contractor. The interview itself was setup internally between the Lead Developer / my old boss, and the other Lead Developer of the other department.


Also, my old boss knew about my background. I had come forward to him several months after I had started with him back in early 2013, when he was talking about getting me hired on his team permanently. I felt that he needed to know then, and he was fine with it since I came forward to him, but I never divulged it in the interview to the other Lead Developer or to HR, which now in hindsight I probably should have mentioned in during the interview.



No I disagree ...if he had asked you directly in the interview , then yes ..but he didn't ask and there is no "LAW" to say you have to divulge this imformation, escpecially if it is spent . I think you will fine actually .

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Seeing as it is We'd and you are supposed to start Monday....time to make a phone call and verify.


I wouldn't assume that they are going to rescind the offer.


More than likely it is a paperwork "stack" issue.


Think of it, if they don't want you anymore, you clear those out quickly.

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Apparently posting on enotalone is magic!


After all this waiting, HR called me back not more than 30 minutes ago, apologized for the wait, stated all my backgrounds came back good, and they are ready for me to start! They did push back the start date to Feb. 18th, and just sent me a new offer letter showing the new start date that I just finished signing and sent it back to them. All thats left is requisitioning my laptop and getting it ready, and to get me into the system, etc.


All that worrying about nothing!!


Thanks again everyone, this is a HUGE weight off my shoulders and now I can just sit back and relax and wait till the 18th =)

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It could be a paperwork backlog or it could be the old charge coming to haunt you. Someone renting you an apartment will pay for a much cheaper, less thorough check. Big public companies hire 3rd parties to check you out and you can bet they will be thorough. Im not sure who could help you, but search on line who you could hire to clean this matter up. I will bet that a very, very thorough check can find anything on you, whether it should be removed or not.

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