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she keeps falling asleep


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I pass out on my bf at least once a week. I'm TIRED! I initiate my bf and I watching movies all the time...and then promptly pass out. This is also why I let him pick the movie 95% of the time.


He thinks I'm cute and it's a running joke...and I'm thankful. It's not intentional....I'd never fall asleep to hurt his feelings.


I'm sure your gf isn't falling asleep to be a jerkface either.

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I'm one of those people who just find it really hard to stay awake or to wake up if im sleepy. Good thing is I never have trouble falling asleep, bad thing is my ex used to try and initiate and we'd lie there kissing, and I'd fall asleep WHILE we are kissing even though I tried really hard to stay awake, because as said, there is just no stopping me when I'm tired and sleepy! He would get hurt and offended, even though I tried explaining the situation to him, it didn't matter. Even though I even told him I was tired and sleepy when he tried to initiate and I tried to go along and it just didn't work.


I suggest you don't take it to heart, and try to find a time that works for both of you where she is not falling asleep lol...


Current bf told me he wouldn't be offended if I was to do this to him, I haven't yet but he's seen me fall asleep during movies multiple times and knows what he's getting into he thinks it's funny and cute that I fall asleep so easily. You just gotta learn to not take it personally and work out a solution together.

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Once I hit my 40's, if I lay on a couch or bed at nighttime, BOOM, I'm out. Not all the time, but it's not predictable. I can't even guarantee I'm gonna make it til the end of a favorite show. I think it is more likely to happen near the end of a work week.


I don't think this is intentional, nor that unusual.


If your sexlife is very enjoyable, then yes, I think you're overreacting.

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  • 1 month later...

My boyfriend of five years does this all the time. I understand how truly painful it is. If it's only once in a while though I wouldn't worry. Especially after a nice dinner I always get tired. Sometimes I get bloated and gassy too which could lead to embarrassment later on.

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