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My situtation keeps on getting more complicated!!


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Here it is. I've liked a girl for over a year. She's been going out with a guy for over a year. She knows I like her. She called me and we just talked. Should I call her back? Also, there's a winter dance coming up, and my friend says I should ask her to go as a friend. I'm also thinking about taking her and two of my other friends to the movies should I? Thanks.

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I think it's good to go for it-- but not with a girl who is taken.

That girl has a boyfriend, and for alot of people, going to a dance with someone just as a friend who is already taken is unacceptable. It's like a "legal" cheat. Alot of times, it's the same with chatting over the phone. Since you like her, it's just different doing those kinds of things as friends, because you may not notice it, but you could be acting more than just friendly, and your intentions could also either come off wrong or you may not notice yourself getting too close. It could also turn into one of those things where the girl is confused and doesn't know who to choose-- the boyfriend or the friend. I can't help but notice those kinds of things happening between friends in which one is already dating someone.

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If she has a boyfriend the I would say that asking her to a dance in any context is not ok. If she's going to go with someone it would probably be her boyfriend. Now, I don't see anything wrong with talking to her and being her friend, but don't get so close that it could appear like you are trying to steal her away. If someone is in a relationship you have to respect that and keep some distance. If you start making moves and getting too close, nothing good can come of it.

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