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What's my next step?


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Clearly I'm not the best at picking up what might be clear signs that someone is interested in me and enough people have mentioned this. I have a crush on someone but do not want to make any awkward moves.


Here's the story so far:


She was my barista at some random coffee shop I had never been to. We made fun small talk, she was very sweet, funny and attentive. She then said I should stop by more often since she's scheduled there "all the time". On the way out she offered some free coffee to take home.


Next time I walk in she seems delighted to see me and again we make some small talk. I started to pack my things up as her shift was about to end and she asked "what are your plans this evening". I told her some friends were coming over. She then asked "which way are you heading" (we both walk and take the bus), so we ended up walking out together. At the bus stop she said "I work again tomorrow from 3-7, you should come by". I agreed to, she went in for a hug and we said good night.


Today I went back and after she greeted me with a smile, she said "I have something for you". She handed me a newspaper clipping of her zodiac read from yesterday's paper. She said that was her astrological sign and that the short anecdote it contained made her of think of me. It was a brief bio on a very random historical Sagittarius who had been J. S. Bach's teacher. She knows I'm a composer and so I found that vey flattering. She then asked me if I wanted my usual drink and then if I would tell her the name of my particular favorite composer so she could look him up.

Later on I handed her a small "gift".

I wrote her name in musical notation. She seemed very flattered and said I should explain it to her later on and in more detail. She then suggested I return tomorrow when she works the late shift. She also mentioned her shift hours for Monday.


My questions are:


Flirting or friendly?


Should I ask for her number?


Any suggestions and feedback is welcomed. Thank you for reading.



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Gosh. Life is so short. People spend some much time worryingn about these things. Just ask her out for a drink or to see a film. Arrange a time to meet. If she says no the. You ahve your answer. It's always nice to be asked out and in 3 months you will have forgotten this whole worry.

Stop wasting time worrying.

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Always ask for her number. We aren't mind readers and honestly, it's very possible this girl is being both flirty and friendly. For instance, in the last week I went out with 3 guys. One was definitely a date. The other two were people who could be a friend or a date (I'm open to both and have given both signals). All 3 of these guys asked me out in some way. It's no big deal to just ask her out in a casual way. At the end of the day, you are just getting to know each other. It's too early for her to like you.


The best you can do is stop worrying, ask her out casually, and reassess after you go on a "date." Guys do that to me all the time... ask me out on things that could either be friendly or a date, and depending on our connection, it will go in one direction or the other. If she says no, then well she wasn't even interested in you at all and you don't have to spend more time thinking about it. Best of luck!

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Seems more than friendly. There's only one way, and one way only to find out. You know what you have to do . It sounds like you have bonded enough that a date request shouldn't make things too awkward if she's not interested. Women don't normally tell you they are thinking of you if they aren't interested. I emphasize 'normally'.

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