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I dumped her...big mistake

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Okay, so I was really a jerk to my girlfriend last summer. We went out for 2 years, and I don't know why, but I treated her real badly last summer by not calling and just being a jerk. Then we got back to school, and I finally broke up with her the first week. One week later I was hanging out with this new girl, and that relly hurt my ex, and she cried alot. Anyway, my ex is just this great person, and I don't even know why I broke up with her.


I told her I wanted her back a couple a months ago, and she said it wuld take a long time. Then I asked her again a couple of weeks ago, and she said not now, although she really liked me. We have been hanging out alot, but since the last time she told me no I have not called her, except for nce. She said that she still liked me, and asked me if I still likd her and I jus said , well, sort of. Even though I really do. she is really nice to me even though I have been a jerk to her.


I relly do likeher. What should I do now? She says she likes me, but is scared of getting hurt again/ shoudl i keep trying?


Thanks for the advice/

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yeah, I have shown her that I care. I gave her a real pretty necklace for xmas. I have told her how sorry i am, and told her that she deserves better. But when she just asked me if I still liked her, I said sort of instead of yes because she sorta hurt my feelings when she said she could not go back with me now, but maybe later. she is just the nicest person that i know.


should I keep trying, or do you think I should just give up? I have tried really hard to be really nice and stuff, but I cannot change the bad things that I did.

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Well I hate to say it, but I know through experience that when one person is in control and they've hurt the other before, they almost always will again. If she gives in and you go out again, you are in control. Don't test your limits- sometimes you will overstep them. Know that when you do overstep them, you can't always just erase it. If you hurt this girl that much, you're lucky that she still likes you. If you really liked her, you'd want her to be happy no matter what. So if happy means being without you, you're just going to have to accept that.

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So you think I shouold just not try anymore? I am scared of hurting her again too. but I think I will be alot more careful this time. I know how much she meant to me. I know I am lucky that she is even talking to me again because she did not for a long time. Everybody likes her because she is so nice. Like I said, we've been talking for about 2 months now, but not going out. Just hanging out the past month then she finally let me give her one kiss about 3 weeks ago. then she said no, not now, to going back to me. but maybe down the line somewhere.

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