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I am a !


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So I've been talking to this guy I met on plenty of fish for about a month. We were ment to go on a date Tuesday but I had to cancel and rearranged for this Tuesday. Anyway we were texting Saturday night when we were both out drinking. Anyway ended up back at his yada yada.


He took me home the next day and asked me if I would still like to go for a drink. Me still feeling slightly intoxicated said 'you still wana do that? And he looked at me like I have 5 heads.


My question is have I blown any hopes of something more than sex? My male friend seems to think I have. He's still texting etc more so now and has rearranged to a lunch date Thursday as the rotas changed.


Have I ruined it before it even started? I am a 😢

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Meh, I think you both played your parts in leading it to casual rather than more. You are a grown woman, but I still agree with HeartGoesOn; pretty risky meeting up while intoxicated and having sex with a virtual stranger at his place. I'd be a little more concerned about that than about having blown it! For all you know, he could be a wack job. Just sayin'. And you were drunk...so in no position to have protected yourself.

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It's just a way for her to find out either way, not a way to change whatever opinion he has already form.


I agree with you. It would be good for her to get clarity if she is holding out hope to turn this into something more than FWB. She should be prepared for his response which could be skeptical. But maybe, he sees something there with her. Only by having this direct conversation will she know.

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