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Hi guys,

I just wanted to post here an update of how I'm getting on as once those who have been through a breakup start to heal they tend to not bother coming back to post. If you're not aware of my story I was finished by my partner of 3 and a half years living together for two and a half years for another girl. Back then the pain was unbearable I couldn't eat or sleep and wasn't able to think straight the only thoughts that ran through my mind was that I'd lost my home and it was now being shared by another girl sleeping in our bed together sitting on our couch using my things while I had to move back home with my parents. In the space of 24 hours I lost my partner, my home, my puppy and my pet micropig all I was left with was a few black bags of clothes.

I spent all day just wanting to sleep as it was unbearable to be awake constantly thinking about the pain and the feelings of emptiness and loneliness.

That was 6 months ago and things have got better I no longer wake up in the middle of the night wishing he was there it he no longer occupies my mind every second of the day. I now spend much more time with my friends going out having fun, I started a new job, enrolled myself onto a course and have applied for university I am also looking into taking up horse riding.

Since splitting up my ex was adamant he wanted to remain friends, best friends! despite being in another relationship he still insists on seeing me weekly and messages me at least every 3/4 days unfortunately at the time ive been so weak in wanting to have him in my life that I do see him weekly and always reply to his texts but if theres any advice I can give you it would be to go no contact as having him in my life has prolonged the hurt so im now going to do what I should have done 6 months ago and tell him I can no longer be friends as it just leaves me hangimg on to hope which probably is just false hope even though he has told me he wants us to get back together eventually

I promise it does get better and time will heal my advice is surround yourself with people you can talk to when you need to but also to have a good time being left for someone else took away all my self confidence but surrounding yourself with people who love you will show you its your ex whos the arsehole not you! if you need to cry then cry let it all out don't hold it in just don't stay there once you've finished crying carry on down the road youre heading try to throw yourself into things you love try a new hobby or a course or a change of career start to love yourself again but ultimately its time which heals so be patient gorgeous and everythings going to get better I promise

Thanks for reading and I hope this helped anyone whos going through the awful pain of heartbreak if you would like to ask me any questions or just want somebody to talk to feel free to message me

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It's fantastic to read such a positive thing. I'm going through a nasty break up myself right now in fact and I'm at the stage where I feel like my whole worlds caving in. I know he's running around sleeping with everyone and not giving a crap. I've actually put my own thread on here somewhere needing advice because my ex has become very nasty towards me and I'm devastated. I know in my heart that ill be ok but I'm in such a terrible place right now, I'm 5'8" and I've dropped below 8st, I am so heartbroken.

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Thank you, I feel like I'm in the last couple of months of confusion and wanting my ex back until realization that the way she treated me she doesn't even deserve my friendship. Right now I still would probably try again if the opportunity presented itself, but its no longer the jumping at the bone thrown at me. I think I need to let go of the possibility of friendship too and just accept that she is forever gone from my life and that a better one is out there and I will meet her soon.


Almost there...posts like your probably push me in the right direction...and if it was meant to be with someone in the past, well, it'll happen again. If not, ...NEXT!

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I no how you feel we broke up 2.5 months ago. After getting engaged 3 weeks before the break. Her words were I thought it would make it better. I had no idea she was even thinking about a break up. How can you sort something out if you have no idea. I am trying to move on. But it's hard when every little thing reminds me of her. How do you let go of some one you love so much

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