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I love shyness in a girl do some girls like shyness in guys?

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Personally I love girls that are shy I dont know why it always has been a thing i loved in a girl.I just think it makes them that more attractive and its just really great to me.So i was just wondering is there any girls out there that like shy guys.Because me i just cant seem to break out of this shyness no matter how hard i try.I always end up just smiling and being struck with fear and not saying anything when girls try to flirt with me for fun.So i was just wondering is there thta certain girl that goes for shy guys and finds that appealing in any way.Just seeing if there are any girls that are like me with guys.

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I think that people mistake awkwardness and the not knowing what to say and how to act as being shy sometimes, Ive known alot of people that seemed to be shy at first.

Once the ice is broken they opened up, I believe there are quiet people too.

Some folks dont speak unless they really have something to say. And some are frightened;

Scared feelings take over and results are a withdrawn person. Alot of the braveness comes with experience. Anyway I wanted to give my thoughts on that

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i love shyness in a guy, i think its so sweet and innocent. my bf was shy wen we were getting to know each other and it was so sweet. he still shy sometimes buts it really cute and special, but i also know theres a part of him, that isnt shy at all

qt xxx

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are you kidding me! ALOT of girls LOVE shy guys! I personally feel like melting when a guy blushes and looks down 8) ..being shy is innocent and extremely attractive. Shyness as in not being easy to talk to or being closed up might be a turn off . I'm talking about being very polite, sensitive, and a gentleman! Believe me, there are MANY girls out there who look for shy guys..just don't let your shyness stand in the way of you talking and getting to know a certain girl..because if you let it paralyze you, you'll never know how she REALLY is..and you might be missing out on ALOT! 8) So just go for it and keep your head still and never change.

Because If you ACT like someone besides yourself, you're going to attract the WRONG person!


"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" 8)

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Shyness can be very attractive for girls and guys. People who are shy and quiet give off a feeling of sweetness, innocence, and sincerity. They also tend to be nicer and have alot to say, it's just a matter of getting them to feel comfortable. I would love a shy girl and I'm glad to see that a lot of girls like us shy guys.

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Yes I have to agree that it is nice that there are girls out there who like us shy guys, although for me most girls I know or have tried to get to know don't talk to me anymore once they find out I'm shy. So it gives me some hope that maybe I will find a girl that likes me and doesn't care that I'm shy.

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I think its nice to be with someone who you feel comfortable with without having to be talking all the time. Who wants to constantly talk anyway? I mean there can't be that much to talk about. I'd be bored with it.


I'm not really all that shy but I do like shy girls as long as they are intelligent and interesting when you do get talking to them. But, as I said, I don't want to be talking 24/7!

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I think it goes more one way....guys probably prefer shy girls more than shy girls prefer shy guys. This is because many people (not everyone) still believe that the guy should be the leader, and the girl should be the more passive one. This is a stereotype that is hard to change.

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