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girl next to me.


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Now i recently broke off from a relationship about a half a week ago and I know a lot of people will say its too early but ive been blindly in love and now im pretty happy because i know i spent 3 years with her but it was my first long term relationship, now I'm seeing what my friends saw and im starting to dislike her a lot so I feel over it, idk if i should give it more time.


Besides that I sit next to this girl lets call her Sara, shes smart at least as much as me or more I feel like I blew it because i rushed it out of nervousness and asking her name and asked if she can help me study which feels like I ruined it already it was way too quick! Lol i havent talked to girls in a awhile.


So I'm saying I apologize for that though maybe writing it out and sharing it on a piece of paper because our class is quite busy with constant lecture or work.


Basically this


"I'm sorry for coming on to you like that in my head it sounded a lot better until I became too nervous and i blurted it out, to make this simpler can I take you out for coffee sometime?"


Any advice ? I feel like i should give it a go or should i keep talking to her and see what type of person she is? So far I'm good seeing people and I mean from seeing there surrounding and dress wise she seems to be my type Or very similar to me.


"I'm sorry for coming on to you like that in my head it sounded a lot less creepy until i blurted it out, I'm just going to give it a go; can I take you out for coffee?"



Also this is in college im only 20 so if you guys think I should wait and just give it some time from my last relationship or just talk to her for a month or so then ask her out? Or give it a go?

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If your having to question yourself over your actions and if you should attempt to date her then your not ready.


You need to look inside and rebuild your self confidence and completely heal from your past relationship which won't happen in less than a week. I mean come on you have to wait longer than a week for a pay check, you have to wait longer than a week to go shopping. Your 20 calm down and enjoy life, your in no rush to get into a relationship. Just enjoy your life and concentrate on finishing your course with the grades you want so you can lead the life you want.


Relationships will come later down the line and you've got the rest of your life to have them. Calm down and heal fully first.

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I feel you're rushing it all. You are moving on too fast and NOT dealing with your past. Your break up and your emotions to follow.

You're not done with that, yet. Just because you're feeling a negative towards your ex at the moment doesn't mean you're over her.

In a few days you may very well begin to feel remorse, confusion or missing her in some way and this can oll go on for another 2-3 months, at least.


I strongly suggest you do NOT get Sara into this right now. Remain friends and leave it at that while you heal.

If you go running into something now, you can call that a 'Rebound'. They come on way too fast and end just as fast because you are NOT ready. Emotionally or mentally and either of you need that.


Slow down, deal with yourself & this break up for a while.

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